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Nelly Furtado: Nelly Furtado (46) bojuje proti šarlatánům: Odhalila tělo i triky na krásu! - Oblíbená kanadská... - blesk.cz | 

Nelly Furtado: Furtado ukázala výrazné křivky v bikinách. Vyhlašuji rok sebelásky, říká - Kanadská zpěvačka Nelly Furtado (46) ohromila fanoušky novou fotkou na Instagramu, kd... - idnes.cz | 

Nelly Furtado: Nelly Furtado myslí na duet s Drakem - Kanadská zpěvačka Nelly Furtado si mnohé slibuje od spolupráce s kanadským zpěvá... - rockandpop.cz | 

Nelly Furtado: Nová alba: Katy Perry, Nelly Furtado, Jamie xx, Nightwish a Keith Urban - Dámská jízda, tak by se dala nazvat várka nových alb, o kterých stojí za to věd... - novinky.cz | 

Nelly Furtado: Nové desky 38/2024 - od Katy Perry přes Nightwish po Nelly Furtado - Nálož hudebních novinek vede tentokrát roztančená Katy Perry, dlouho očekávaný n... - musicserver.cz | 

Nelly Furtado: Nelly Furtado oznámila vydanie 7. albumu. Fanúšikovia sa môžu tešiť aj na vinylovú edíciu - Po dlhých rokoch pauzy sa dočkáme novej hudby! ... - expres.sk | 

Annabelle: Novinky v playlistu Evropy 2 – Nelly Furtado s Tove Lo, Annabelle a Don Diablo - Tyhle pecky hrajeme na Evropě 2 od soboty 22. června 2024 ... - evropa2.cz | 

Nelly Furtado: Novinka Evropa 2 Music Chart: NELLY FURTADO feat. TOVE LO & SG LEWIS – Love Bites - Představujeme novinku č. 1 v hitparádě!
The post Novinka Evropa 2 Music Chart: NELLY... - evropa2.cz | 

Nelly Furtado: AUDIO: Nelly Furtado láká singlem Love Bites na taneční parket. Pomáhají jí Tove Lo a SG Lewis - Možná jste to ještě nezaznamenali, ale letošní rok by se mohl mimo jiné nést ve z... - musicserver.cz | 

Nelly Furtado: ROZHOVORY: Rea Garvey - Už se moc těším na koncert v Československu! - Někdejší zpěvák kapely Reamonn míří vůbec poprvé koncertovat do Prahy. Při té... - musicserver.cz | 

Nelly Furtado - Shit On The Radio (remember The Days) Nelly Furtado - Shit On The Radio (remember The Days) | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Am Em D Em
Am Em D Em
Am, Emi ADhaa EmiOh oh_
Amiooh oEmioh ohD, D
AmiYou liked me till' you heard my shit on the Emiradio
Well I Dhate to say but pop ain't going soloEmi
AmiYou liked me till' you heard my shit on the Emiradio
But nowD I'm just too mainstream for you, oh no D
AmiYou liked me till' you seen me on your Emit.v.
Well if Dyou're so low below then why you Emiwatching?
AmiYou say good things come to those who wEmiait
I've been Dwaiting a long time for it D
I remember the Amidays__ when I Emiwas__ so Geager_ to satisfy you_
and be less then I Amiwas__ just to Emiprove__ I Gcould_ walk_ beside you_
Now that I've flown aAmi_way__ I Emisee__ee__ you've Gchosen_ to stay behind me_
and still you curse the Amiday__ I deEmicided__ to_ Gstay true to myself_
AmiYou say your quest is to bring it Emihigher
Well I Dnever seen change without a Emifire
But from your Amimouth I have seen a lot of Emiburning
But underDneath I think it's a lot of yearDning
AmiYour face, the colours change from green to Emiyellow
To the Dpoint where you can't even say Emihello
AmiYou tell me you'd kill me if I ever snob you Emiout
Like that's what yoDu'd expect from me, like that's what I'm Dabout
I remember the Amidays__ when I Emiwas__ so Geager_ to satisfy you_
and be less then I Amiwas__ just to Emiprove__ I Gcould_ walk_ beside you_
Now that I've flown aAmi_way__ I Emisee__ee__ you've Gchosen_ to stay behind me_
and still you curse the Amiday__ I deEmicided__ to_ Gstay true to myself_
Break drums
It's Cso much easier to stay down there guarantGeeing you're cool
Than Csit up here exposing myself trying to Gbreak through
Than to Cburn in the spotlight (open fire!),
Emiturn in the spitfire (open fire!)
AmiScream without making a sound (open fire!),
be up Chere and not look down (open fire!)
Dbecause we're all afraid of heights
I remember the Amidays__ when I Emiwas__ so Geager_ to satisfy you_
and be less then I Amiwas__ just to Emiprove__ I Gcould_ walk_ beside you_
Now that I've flown aAmi_way__ I Emisee__ee__ you've Gchosen_ to stay behind me_
and still you curse the Amiday__ I deEmicided__ to_ GSTAY TRUE TO MY__
Amise___elf____ Emi my___Gse___elf____ my__
Amise___elf____ Emi my___Gse___elf____ my__
Amise___elf____ Emi my___Gse___elf____ my__
(Are you feeling me? Are you feeling me? Are you feeling me now?)
Amise___elf____ Emi my___Gse___elf____ my__
(Are you feeling me? Are you feeling me? Are you feeling me now?)
Amise___elf____ Emi my___Gse___elf____ my__
(Why ya hurt me hurt me hurt me hurt me hurt me hurt me hurt me so so)
Amise___elf____ Emi my___Gse___elf____ my__
(leave me down down down down low leave me down da down down down down low...)
Amise___elf____ Emi my___Gse___elf____ my__
(on the radio tonight... shit on the radio... shit on the radio... shit on the radio...
shit on the radio... shit on the radio
| |