*** Autor textu: Nuno Bettencourt & Gary Cherone *** Autor hudby: Nuno Bettencourt
Tapni po strunach na 2 a 4 dobu kazdeho taktu so vsetkymi styrmi prstami pravej ruky (je dobre pocuvat pri tom jak to hra)
Kazda druha ciara je osminova nota
Tieto dva riadky je INTRO, hra sa to raz pre intro.
A potom este raz pre cast prvej slohy:
"Sayin 'I love you' is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you, not to say but if you only knew"
Ale na "knew" sa hra 0- | namiesto 3- | na konci.
-- | 3- |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
0- | 3- |
Po prvej slohe zahraj intro az po akord Am7 (koniec siesteho taktu)
A nehraj ani posledny tab z toho taktu
Namiesto toho zahraj tieto dva akordy ako uvod do druhej slohy:
0 (naraz) | 2 (naraz) |
1 | 1 |
0 | 2 |
2 | 0 |
0 | x |
x | x |
(pouzi to aj na konci druhej slohy na ukoncenie refrenu
Zopakuj intro 2x pre la di da...
--------0------- |
------1---1----- |
----0-------0--- |
--2-----------2- |
0--------------- |
---------------- | teraz pride solicko....
+ nad notou znamena tvrdy priklep s pravou rukou
(preto je to na vysokych prazcoch) zvysok priklepni lavou
Brnkni prvu strunu a ostatne hraj priklepom
Sayin "I love you" is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you not to say but if you only knew
how easy it would be to show me how you feel
more than words is all you have to do to make it real
then you wouldn't have to say
that you love me 'cause I'd already know
What would you do
if my heart was torn in two?
more than words to show you feel
that your love for me is real
What would you say
if I took those words away?
Then you couldn't make things new
just by sayin' "I love you"
la di da da da di da da di da..etc...
Now that I have tried to talk to you and make you understand
all you have to do is close your eyes and just reach out your hands
and touch me, hold me close don't ever let me go
more than words is all i ever needed you to show
then you wouldn't have to say
that you love me 'cause I'd already know.