Why Georgia
GI am dDriving up Geighty fDive in the
GKind of mDorning that lGasts all DafternEmioon
EmiI'm just stuck inside the glGoom D, G, D
GFour more Dexits to mGy apDartment but
GI am tDempted to kGeep the cDar in dEmirive
EmiAnd leave it all behG, D, G, Dind
CosEmi I... Dwonder soGmetimes about the Emioutcome
Of a sEmitill vDerdictless lGife
Am I Dliving it rAigGht
Am, I, livingD it, right A G
Am I Dliving it rAigGht
Am, I, livingD it, right A G
Am I Dliving it rAigGht
AmiF I, living Cit, right G D G D
FWhy, why GeCorgia, whG, D, G, Dy
GRent a rDoom and I fGill the spDaces with
GWood and plDaces to mGake it fDeel like Emihome
EmiBut all I feel's alG, Done
GIt might be a Dquarter life crEmiisis
EmiOr just the stirring in my souG, D, G, Dl
Either way EmiI... wDonder somGetimes about the oEmiutcome
Of a sEmitill vDerdictless liGfe
Am I lDiving it riAghGt
Am, I, living D it, right A G
Am I lDiving it rAigGht
Am, I, living D it, right A G
Am I lDiving it rAigGht
AmiF I, living Cit, right G
FWhy, why GeCorgia, wGhy
FSo whBat so I'Cve got a smBile on
FIt's hBiding the quCiet supersBtitions in my hGead
GDon't bCelieve me D
GDon't bCelieve me D
When I sEmiay DI've gCmiot iDt down G, D, G, D, G, D, G, D
GEverybDody is jGust a strDanger
But thGat's the dDanger in gGoing mDy own wEmiay
EmiI guess it's a price I have to pG, D, G, Day
Still eEmiverything hDappens for a rGeason
Is no rDeason not to ask myself if I'm
DLiving it rAigGht
Are you lDiving it riAghGt
Are you lDiving it riAghGt
FWhy, tell me why, why, why, GCeorgia, wG, D, G, Dhy