From the album 'Hypocrisy'
Transcription by Matt Deans
7-String Arrangement, Low to High - B,E,A,D,G,B,E
For 6-Strings, tune Low to High - E,A,D,G,B,E ignoring all notes in chords that
occur on the low 'B' string. Instead play those notes an octave higher. ie...
A|-----| D|-----|
E|--3--| ..becomes.. A|--3--|
B|--1--| E|--3--|
|Guitar 1 - clean w/reverb & delay
|Riff A End Riff A
1 2 3 4
Guitar 1 plays this riff 4 times before Guitar 2 begins. Guitar 1
then continues to play Riff A underneath.
|Guitar 2 - clean w/reverb & delay
1 2 3 4
|Guitar 2
|Guitar 2
|Guitar 2
|<- 3 -> <- 3 -> <- 3 ->
|Guitar 2
|Guitar 2
|Guitar 2
|Guitar 1
|Riff B End Riff B
|1 2 3 4
|Guitar 2*
| R s R s
|Riff C End Riff C
* Whether these release-bends are how it's done or not,
it sounds accurate enough to me. The delay for Guitar 2
is also noticeably greater here.
|Guitar 2
1 2 3 4
|Guitar 2
|<- 3 -> <- 3 -> <- 3 ->
|Guitar 2
| <- 3 -> <- 3 ->
|Guitar 2
VERSE 1 - Guitar 1 plays Riff A 4 times.
PRE-CHORUS 1 - Guitar 1 - clean. The production makes it hard to
pick the texture of the chords here. I can only work parts of it
out, but I'm pretty sure that the roots are A,F#,G,E,A,F#,G and B.
Distorted pick slides precede the chorus.
|Guitars 3 & 4 - w/ distortion
|Riff D
1 2 3 4
|Guitars 3 & 4
| End Riff D
|Guitars 3 & 4*
* Guitars 1 & 2 play riffs B & C twice while this chord is sustained.
VERSE 2 - Same as Verse 1.
PRE-CHORUS 2 - Also the same as the first one.
CHORUS 2 - Guitars 3 & 4 play Riff D.
|Guitars 3 & 4*
1 2 3 4
* Deceptively makes you think it has changed to a 3/4 beat. Play this
section though twice.
SOLO - The grace notes played by the rhythm guitars between the chords
are mainly implied by the bass. The guitars don't always necessarily
play them.
|Guitars 3 & 4*
|1 2 3 4
|Guitar 5 - w/ distortion, reverb & delay
|s s s s H P s s
* This last note in the run actually falls on the second beat.
|Guitars 3 & 4
|Guitar 5
| s B
* This note sounds like it's an octave higher, but it's not as easy
to play that note and have it sound right. Also, the 7th note of the
first bar falls on the 3rd beat.
|Guitars 3 & 4
|Guitar 5
| B R s B R s B R B
|Guitars 3 & 4
| PM- - - - -|
|Guitar 5
| B R P P s
|--------------------------------|[SEE FILL 1 BELOW]--------------|
1 2 3 4
|Guitar 5*
* Note fades as Chorus 3 plays.
||Guitar 5*
||Fill 1 End Fill 1
1 2
* I'm not really sure of this bit. With the speed, delay and the other
instruments it's difficult to tell. After slowing it down I think I got
most of it, but the first few notes I just couldn't make out so I put
in what sounded the closest.
CHORUS 3 - - Guitars 3 & 4 play Riff D.
OUTRO - Guitar 1 plays Riff A until the song fades.
H P s B R
|----| Hammer |----| Pull |----| Slide |----| Bend |----| Release
|----| On |----| Off |----| |----| |----| Bend
|5/7-| |75-| |----| |7/9-| |97-|
|----| |----| |5/7-| |----| |----|
|----| |----| |----| |----| |----|
|----| |----| |----| |----| |----|
PM ah nh .
|----| Palm |----| Percuss- |----| Pinch |----| Harmonic |----| Staccato
|----| Mute |----| ive |----| Harmonic |----| |----|
|----| |----| Strum |----| |----| |----|
|----| |----| |----| |12--| |5---|
|----| |----| |3---| |----| |----|
|0---| |X---| |----| |----| |----|
|----| Vibrato |----| Pick |----| Beat
|----| |----| Slide |----|
|9~--| |----| |----|
|----| |----| |----|
|----| |X--| |----|
|----| |----| |----|
1 2