Our Last Night - Sunrise Our Last Night - Sunrise | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
EmiFull of Cdespair Ginside a Ddarkness
EmiSelf conscious Cand scared, held Gprisoner of Dwar
EmiRunning out of Cair, Gburied in a Dsadness
EmiWant a way Cout of this Gparalyzing Dworld
And the Emisound of the Ccries when a Gfamily's loved one Ddies
It Emiechoes through a Cvacant room where a Gyoung soul still Dresides
When the Eminight is Amicold and you Cfeel like no-one Dknows
what it's Emilike to be the Amionly one Cburied in this Dhole
You can make it to the Emisunrise
AmiWoah CWoah DWoah
You can make it to the Emisunrise
AmiWoah CWoah DWoah
Searching for a way to escape the madness
A dire need for change as we fight for better days
The hurt and the pain cut deep like a razor blade
Holding in a cry for love, abandoned and afraid
When the night is cold and you feel like no-one knows
what it's like to be the only one buried in this hole
You can make it to the sunrise
Woah Woah Woah
You can make it to the sunrise
Woah Woah Woah
EmiI won't go to my Cgrave Guntil a Ddifference is made Emi, C, G, D
EmiI won't go to my Cgrave Guntil a Ddifference is made
EmiUntil a Cdifference is Gmade D
When the night is cold and you feel like no-one knows
what it's like to be the only one buried in this hole
You can make it to the sunrise
Woah Woah Woah
You can make it to the sunrise
Woah Woah Woah
I won't go to my grave until a difference is made
Until the difference is made
Until the difference is made
(From time to time, there arise among human beings,
people, who seem to exude love, as naturally as the sun gives out heat)
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