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Cathedral Katedrala
Welcome to my scarlet church .......... vitaj v mojom sarlatovom kostole
Enter now the scene of my rhyme ....... vstup do scene mojho rymu
Reason is no friend of mine – he is ... premyslanie nie je moj priatel
Just an ancient acquaintance .......... je len stary znamy
Disappear into my hemisphere .......... Strat sa v mojej hemisfere
Fade into my cathedral ................ strat sa v mojej katedrale
Dance the dark waltz with me in my room - Tancuj temny valcik v mojej izbe
Do you like the walls of my temple .... pacia sa ti steny mojho chramu?
Make your moves – trapped in my sweet embrace - hyb sa ako to vies v mojom objati
Take your time – you’re destined to stay - neponahlaj sa, bol si urceny zostat
Evanesce, Finding my lost caress ...... postupne sa stracaj, hladaj moje stratene
Fade into my cathedral ................ dotyky, stracaj sa v mojej katedrale
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