AmiI know if you couldEmihear me
AmiYou'd say there's always twoDmisides to everyAmistory
Here'sGmine I've found out
I can't liveAmiwithout you
AmiLoving you wasEmieasyAmiand being true was hard
DmiOne too manyAmilies and you wereGgone
I didn't want to face up to theAminights
I'd done
DmiI thought
AmiI'd be alright
Gbut I was wrong
CI miss you!
AmiI miss you
EmiI'm gonna need you
More and more eachGday
I miss you
More thanAmiwords
AmiMore thanGwords
Can everCsay!
AmiSaying that I'mEmisorryAmiisn't good enough
DmiI need to show you
Amishow how much
I'veGchanged cause girl
If you could seen what I'mAmigoin' through
DmiYou wouldn't beAmiafraid to tryGagain