Always been here = Vždy som tu bola
Almost seems like yesterday = Zdá sa to skoro ako včera
Hard to picture = Je ťažké si to vybaviť
It's the little things that slip away = Tie malé veci unikajú
Built with blisters = Postavený z pľuzgierov
But they find a way and take a little bit =Ale našli spôsob a kúsok si vzali
They won't find us = Nenájdu nás
If you believe in it = Ak v to veríš
If you believe in it = Ak v to veríš
How long = Ako dlho
How long = Ako dlho
Can we keep holding on = ešte môžeme čakať
How long? = Ako dlho?
A house on fire = Horiaci dom
Burning all the past away = Spaľuje všetku minulosť
And what defines us , well, = A čo nás definuje, no,
It's the little things that slip away = sú to tie malé veci ktoré unikajú
And if you're honest = A ak si úprimný
What do you think would happen if = Čo si myslíš že sa stane ak
We stood for something = sa za niečo postavíme
If you believe in it = Ak v to veríš
Keep believing it = Ver tomu aj naďalej
How long = Ako dlho
How long = Ako dlho
Can we keep holding on = ešte môžeme čakať
How long? = Ako dlho?