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Disturbed: David Draiman z DISTURBED převzal cenu za „mimořádný přínos v boji proti antisemitismu“ - Lídr DISTURBED David Draiman má na kontě řadu cen hudebních, ať už jde o desky zla... - spark |
Disturbed: Videoklip ke coververzi „The Sound Of Silence“ od DISTURBED překonal miliardu zhlédnutí - Oficiální videoklip ke coveru skladby Simona & Garfunkela „The Sound Of Silence“ od... - spark |
Disturbed: NOTHING MORE si do šlapavého „Andělského songu“ pozvali Davida Draimana z DISTURBED - Ani ne dva roky po „SPIRITS“ vydají metaloví modernisté NOTHING MORE jeho nástupc... - spark |
Disturbed: No ty vole! DISTURBED bodují na tanečních parketech! - DISTURBED po čase opět bodují v hitparádě Billboard. Takové umístění však ve sv... - spark |
Disturbed: Emocionálně nabitý duet DISTURBED s Ann Wilson z HEART dostal vizuální podobu - Američtí rockeři DISTURBED zveřejnili videoklip k „Don't Tell Me“, skladbě z pos... - spark |
Disturbed: Frontman DISTURBED zastavil show, aby uklidnil malou holčičku - Zpěvák David Draiman uklidňoval při koncertě DISTURBED malou návštěvnici, kterou ... - spark |
Disturbed: DISTUBED během show nečekaně skropil protipožární systém - „Tohle turné, zdá se mi poněkud nešťastným,“ mohli by parafrázovat Vladislava ... - spark |
Disturbed: Nezastavitelní DISTURBED vyrukovali s klipem ke „stadionové“ pecce „Unstoppable“ - DISTURBED loni na podzim do diskografie přidali album číslo osm nazvané „Divisive... - spark |
Disturbed: Nové desky 46/2022 - od Nickelback přes Disturbed po Tokio Hotel - Novinky, z nichž většina vyšla po Mezinárodním dni studenstva, jsou hodně rockové... - musicserver.cz |
Disturbed: Nová alba: Nickelback, Disturbed, Neil Young a Vladimír Javorský - V rockovém duchu se nese várka alb, která vycházejí v těchto dnech. V jejich čel... - novinky.cz |
Disturbed - Down With The Sickness Disturbed - Down With The Sickness | *** Autor textu: Disturbed *** Autor hudby: Disturbed | Drowning deep in my sea of loathing
Broken your servant I kneel
(Will you give in to me)
It seems what's left of my human side is slowly changing in me
(Will you give in to me)
Looking at my own reflection
When suddenly it changes
Violenty it changes
There is no turning back now
You've woken up the demon in me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Open up your hate and let it flow in to me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
You mother get up, come on get down with the sickness
You fucker get up, come on get down with the sickness
Madness is the gift that has been given to me
I can see inside you the sickness is rising
Don't try to deny what you feel
(Will you give in to me)
It seems that all that was good has died
And is decaying me
(Will you give in to me)
It seems you're having some trouble
In dealing with these changes
Living with these changes
The world is a scary place
Now that you've woken up the demon in me
Madness has now come over me
And when I dream
No mommy don't do it again
Don't do it again
I'll be a good boy
I'll be a good boy, I promise
No mommy don't hit me
Why did you have to hit me like that
Don't do it you're hurting me
Why did you have to be such a bitch
Why don't you
Why don't you fuck off and die
Why can't you just fuck off and die
Why can't you just leave here and die
Never stick your hand in my face again bitch
Fuck you
I don't need this shit
You stupid, sadistic, abusive fucking whore
How would you like to see how it feels mommy
Here it comes, get ready to die
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