The Game


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The Game - Gangsta Shit The Game - Gangsta Shit | | Attention, This is a Gangsta service anncement, Fuc* Nigg*z, Get your a** off the Dance floor, make room for the MuthaFuc*ing Gangstaz(intro)
Gangsta Gangsta Gangsta, Gangsta Gangsta Gangsta, Gangsta Gangsta Gangsta, yo this from a thug in da club wit a stap, right off bring the gangsta Shi* back, this for da dawgs gettin money wit da packs, Right off bring the Gangsta Shi* back, Raido rappers on R&B tracks, Right off bring the Gangsta Shi* back,Niggas talk cause they know they want clap, right off bring the gangsta Shi* back
(The Game Verse-)
I was at patron in wit the G's take off da foam and put the Phantom on some D's Ride in Day county Blowin some palm trees cant hit the car booth till dis Bitc* get off her knees (yeah) doin circles round da circle house black wall pay back Nigg* well merk u out wit no remarks let the goons take its course hit u wit 'M' slide off in da Black Porsh, den its back to shore club all white lenon, chain looking like staple center like (?) Bitc* Nigg* we dem gangstas rich Nigg*z cocain cowboy work wit da 6 figgas, gotta glock 9 real nigg* glock 9 Put more Red on the corner den a stop sign walk in da club, more diamonds den a rock sign take a rodeo off show a nigg* how 2 stop sign.
(chours repeat)
Fat Gucci walet,fat gucci called it, heavy and the game, some1 put a the chevy in the game like belly and the game? black magic on the wheels hole dat crackers, hoe* shakin nakin in there heels, still butt round, still crack round chevy stil fuc*ing witta player blow loud. boy nigg* i dont clown, blowwin all loud, strangle in the cround cant turn it down, back on d back on deck, talkin all crazy aint sayin nuthin yet, pump potrain pillz dont beast it up in here gotta couple hundreds throw like a millianare, muthafuc*in town motha fuc*in plat! (nigg* betta bring dat gangsta shi* back.)
(chours repeat)
(Rick Ross)
Fealin G's enemys eveys my only dream is 2 get a green envy bousi i dont sit well on my audo? i only sit well on my condo i invenst da start black wall street hitten some blocks,bangin down oucnes, black bugger in my ounces, im in da house so fuc* all da bounces i ran em out so fuc* where our house was. i peed the pops soulit ice cube now its time 2 bleed the block still witta an auitudude, feel dat real nigg*z on my lautitude feel dat b g'z on my avenue feel dat but(nigg*z betta bring dat gangsta Shi* back) bro
(chorus repeat)
Okay, fuc* nigg* play, catch a chris sountay at the bay couple hundred on stacks plates on my lap triple c's here now gangsta shi* back oh wats da plan i aint wit the fuc* price on my head? (good) lemme see sumthin, cant be doin nuthin nigg*z talkin 2 da game im here 2 clean the money out mutha fuc*in plan no copt my shoes say im wrong wit a bitc* in my arms still movin past people in the back, but (nigg* betta bring dat gangsta shi* back) told em
(chorus repeat)
Straight up Nigg* we aint wit the Fuc* shi* (NAW) im talkin a hundred real nigg*z in one click, we dem shi* startes gettin brick called us, gettin back from the school its the brick yard, sweet nigg*z still feelin on dem self but i swear dem still pee on dem self, we aint fuc*in wit ur bubble gum rapper i do it 4 the hustlas the G's the trappers. these sucky as* nigg*z aint street this bust as* nigg*z just fuc*in up the heat, they dont wanna play gangstas on the raido u haters type a lot of shi* but wont say it tho u nigg*z bloggin on the website u lil mons, the 5-0 the red type u could find me in the trap wit a sack(everyjoins) (cause nigg*z better bring dat gangsta shi* back!!)(chorus repeats) |
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