Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love (but I Won't Do That) Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love (but I Won't Do That) | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
AAnd I would do Danything for Alove
I'd run right into D, A, Ghell and back
I would do Danything for Alove
I'll never lie to you and D, A, Gthat's a fact
But I'll Bminever forget the way you Fmifeel right now
Oh Gno - no Away
®: I would do DanyGthing for Alove (Repeat three times)
But I won't do Gthat
ANo I won't do Dthat
BmiAnd some days it don't come easy Gand some days it don't come hard
EmiSome days it don't come at all and Dthese are the days that never end
BmiAnd some nights you're breathing fire and Gsome days you're carved in ice
EmiSome days you're like nothing I've ever Dseen befor or will again
GAnd maybe I'm Dcrazy, oh it's Bmicrazy and it's Atrue
GI know you can Dsave me no one else can Bmisave me now but Ayou
EmiAs long as the planets are turning, Aas long as the stars are burning
AsG long, as, the, planets, are, turning, Aas, long, as, the, stars, are, burning
GAs long as your dreams are comong Atrue, you better believe me
That I would do DanyGthing for Alove, and I'll be there 'till the Dfinal actA, G
I would do DanyGthing for Alove, and I take a vow and D, A, Gseal a pact
But I'll Bminever forgive myself if Fismiwe don't go all the way - GtonAight
®: I would do DanyGthing for Alove (Repeat three times)
But I won't do Gthat
ANo I won't do Dthat
DI would do anything for Bmilove, anything you've been dreaming Gof
But I just Awon't do Dthat ... (repeat several times)
BmiAnd somedays I pray for silence, Gsomedays I pray for soul
EmiSomedays I just pray for the god of DSex and Drugs and Rock'n'Roll
BmiSome nights I lose the feeling, Gsome nights I lose control
EmiSome nights I just lose it all when I Dwatch you dance and the thunder rolls
GMaybe I'm Dlonely and that's all I'm Bmiqualified to Abe
GThere's just one and Donly, the one and only Bmipromise I cAan keep
EmiAs long as the wheels are turning, Aas long as the fires are burning
AsG long, as, the, wheels, are, turning, as, long, as, the, fires, are, burningA
GAs long as your prayers are coming Atrue, you better believe it!
Tat I would do DanyGthing for Alove, and you know it's true and Dthat's a factA, G
I would do DanyGthing for Alove, and there never be no D, A, Gturning back
BmiBut I'll never do it better than I Fismido it with you, so Glong - so Along
®: I would do DanyGthing for Alove (Repeat three times)
But I won't do Gthat
ANo I won't do Dthat
DI would do anything for Bmilove, anything you've been dreaming Gof
But I just Awon't do Dthat ... (repeat several times)
BmiBut I never stop dreaming of Fismiyou every night of my Glife - no Away
®: I would do DanyGthing for Alove (Repeat three times)
But I won't do Gthat
ANo I won't do Dthat
Will you Draise me Gup, will you Ahelp me down
Will you Dget me right Gout of this Agodforsaken town
Will you Dmake it all a Glittle less Acold
I can do Gthat, AI can do tDhat !
Will you Dhold me Gsacred, will you Ahold me tight
Can you Dcolorize my Glife I'm so Asick of black and white
Can you Dmake it all a Glittle less Aold
I can do Gthat, AI can do tDhat !
Will you Dmake me some Gmagic with your Aown two hands
Can you Dbuild an emerald Gcity with this Agrains of sand
Can you Dgive me something GI can take Ahome
I can do Gthat, AI can do tDhat !
Will you Dcater to Gevery Afantasy I got, will you Dhose me down with Gholy water -
if I get to Ahot
Will you Dtake me to places GI've never Aknown
I can do Gthat, I can do Dthat !
DAfter a Gwhile you forAget everything, it was a Dbrief interGlude
And a midAsummernights fling, and you Dsee that it's Gtime to move Aon
I won't do Gthat, AI won't do Dthat !
DI know the Gterritory, AI've been around
It'll Dall turn to Gdust and we'll Aall fall down
And Dsooner or Glater, you'll be Ascrewing around
I won't do Gthat, AI won't do Dthat !
DAnGything for Dlove, I would do DanyGthing for Alove
I would do DanyGthing for Alove, but I won't do Gthat
AI won't do Dthat
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