Neil Young - Rockin´in The Free World Neil Young - Rockin´in The Free World | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Intro: Em D C 4x
Emi, D, CColours on the street
Red wEmi, D, Chite and blue
People sEmi, D, Chufflin' their feet
People sEmi, D, Cleepin' in their shoes
There's a wEmiarnin' sign on the rDoad ahCead
There's a Emilot of people sayin' we'd be bDetter off dCead
Don't fEmieel like Satan but I Dam to tChem
So I Emitry to forget it anywDay I cCan
KGeep on roDckin' in the free worldC, Emi
KGeep on roDckin' in the free worldC, Emi
KGeep on roDckin' in the free worldC, Emi
KGeep on roDckin' in the free worldC, Emi, A
Em D C 4x (just like in the intro)
I see a Emigirl in the nightD, C
With a Emibaby in her handD, C
Under an Emiold street lightD, C
Near a Emigarbage canD, C
Now she Emiputs the kid away and she's gDonna get a hCit
She Emihates her life and wDhat she's done to Cit
That's Emione more kid that will nDever go to sCchool
Never Emiget to fall in love never gDet to be cCool
GKeep on rDockin' in the free worldC 4Emix
A, Emi, D, C, 4x
GKeep on rDockin' in the free worldC 4Emix
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