Blink 182
Blink 182 - Snake Charmer Blink 182 - Snake Charmer | | I felt a stutter and a waiver, cutting like a razor = CÍTIL SOM KOKTANIE A ZRIEKNUTIE, REŽÚCE AKO BRITVA
Like fire through the snow, then straight down to the bone = AKO OHEN CEZ SNEH, POTOM PRIAMO AŽ NA KOSŤ
She creeps up like a spider, and wants you deep inside her = PLAZÍ SA AKO PAVUK A CHCE ŤA HLBOKO V SEBE
She turns you into stone, a twisted little show = PREMENÍ ŤA NA KAMEŇ,MALÚ POKRÚTENÚ SHOW
That's how it was to all begin = TAK TO VŠETKO CELÉ ZAČALO
Cause good girls who like to sin = PRETOZE DOBRÉ DIEVČATA, KTORÉ RADI ZHREŠIA
Way back at the starting line = SA VRÁTIA SPAŤ NA ŠTARTOVNÚ ČIARU
Where Eve was on Adam's mind = KDE NA EVU MYSLEL ADAM
And he was the first to go = A ON BOL PRVÝ KTO IŠIEL
In search of the great unknown = PRI HĽADANÍ VEĽKEJ NEZNÁMEJ
And falling yet again = A UZ ZNOVU PADOL
Cause good girls, they like to sin= PRETOŽE DOBRÉ DIEVČATÁ, RADI ZHREŠIA
You are a hero and survivor, your eyes are getting tired=SI HRDINOM A TÝM ČO PREŽIL, TVOJE OČI SA UNAVUJÚ
There's claw marks under your spine, it happens all the time= POD CHRBTICOU MAŠ SKRABANCE, VŽDY SA TO TAK STÁVA
The silent evil daughters, like sirens on the water = DCÉRY TICHEHO DIABLA, AKO SIRÉNY NA VODE
You've been the perfect crime, it happens all the time = BOL SI PERFEKTNÝM ZLOČINOM, STÁVA SA TO TAK STÁLE
That's how it was to all begin = TAK TO CELÉ ZAČALO
Cause good girls who like to sin = PRETOZE DOBRÉ DIEVČATA, KTORÉ RADI ZHREŠIA
Way back at the starting line = SA VRÁTIA SPAŤ NA ŠTARTOVNÚ ČIARU
Where Eve was on Adam's mind = KDE NA EVU MYSLEL ADAM
And he was the first to go = A ON BOL PRVÝ KTO IŠIEL
In search of the great unknown = PRI HĽADANÍ VEĽKEJ NEZNÁMEJ
And falling yet again = A UZ ZNOVU PADOL
Cause good girls, they like to sin= PRETOŽE DOBRÉ DIEVČATÁ, RADI ZHREŠIA
That's how it was to all begin = TAK TO CELÉ ZAČALO
Cause good girls who like to sin = PRETOZE DOBRÉ DIEVČATA, KTORÉ RADI ZHREŠIA
Way back at the starting line = SA VRÁTIA SPAŤ NA ŠTARTOVNÚ ČIARU
Where Eve was on Adam's mind = KDE NA EVU MYSLEL ADAM
And he was the first to go = A ON BOL PRVÝ KTO IŠIEL
In search of the great unknown = PRI HĽADANÍ VEĽKEJ NEZNÁMEJ
And falling yet again = A UZ ZNOVU PADOL
Cause good girls, they like to sin= PRETOŽE DOBRÉ DIEVČATÁ, RADI ZHREŠIA |
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