Tune down half step
(play each twice)
{D} {C}
{G} {D}
She's got smile___ that it seems to me___
re_minds___me of child - hood mem-o-ries,___
{G} {D}
Where ev__'ry - thing__was as the bright__blue sky.__
Now and then__When I see her face_______
she takes me a-way___ to that spe-cial place,____
and if I started____ too___ long,
I'll pro-'ly break down and cry._______
Rhythm {A5} {B5} {C5} {D}
Guitar Whoa, Whoa,___ Whoa.___ sweet child o' mine.____
{A5} {B5}{C5} {D}
Whoa, oh,__oh, oh,____sweet child o' mine._____
Lead Guitar
{A} {C}
{D} {D}
{A} {D}
Fill 1
|--------------------------| (end of fill 1)
Fill 2
|------------------------------------------------------------| (end of fill 2)
(A5) (B5) (C5) (D)
Whoa, Whoa,___ Whoa.___ sweet child o' mine.____
(A5) (B5)(C5) (D)
Whoa, oh,__oh, oh,____sweet child o' mine._____
(fill in over the D chord above)
Lead Guitar
Guitar solo:
w/wah wah
end of Solo 1 going into 2nd solo
Outro: (w/wah wah)
b - Bend h - Hammer on p - Pull off
s - Slide ~ - Vibrato x - Muted string
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