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My Dying Bride - A Doomed Lover My Dying Bride - A Doomed Lover |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 1993 Pesničku videlo 1473 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: My Dying Bride | p - Pull-Off
h - Hammer-On
\ - Slide Down to/Down From
/ - Slide Up To/Up From
( / ) - Legato Slide
( ) - Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
REST - Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
|__3__| - Triplet notes
\___/ - Whammy Bar - Dip and return (Depth indicated above tab)
|\____ - Whammy Bar - Dive and hold (Depth indicated above tab)
Intro 1.1: Guitars 1 and 2 with heavy distortion (Play once)
// Fade in \\
Intro 1.2a: Guitar 1 (Play once)
Intro 1.2b: Guitar 2 (Play once)
Riff 1: Guitars 1 and 2 (Play twice)
|-------------------|---------------------| |
|-------------------|---------------------| |
|--2----------------|--(2)----------------| |
|--3----------------|--(3)----------------| |
Riff 2: Guitars 1 and 2 (Play 3 times)
|---------------|------------------| |
|---------------|------------------| |
|--6------------|--(6)-------------| |
|--4------------|--(4)-------------| |
In bar 5, the first time it is played guitar 2 only plays the ghost note.
In bar 6, all notes become ghost notes after the first play.
Guitars 1 and 2 play riff 1 twice, with the variations outlined below
*First time*
*Second time*
The following is a guitar transcription of the piano, which enters on bar 5:
Note: the piano arrangement is to be played with the same tuning as guitars
1 & 2. If you want to play it on an actual piano/keyboard, here are the
"standard tuning" notes (the ghost note in bar 5 is unplayable on a standard
tuned 6-string guitar):
Riff 3: Guitars 1 and 2 (Play once through, while guitar 3 plays lead riff 1)
Lead Riff 1: Guitar 3 with heavy distortion (Play once through)
||-/17------------17h 18--|--17------15--17--18--17h18p(17\15)--|
|___3___| |___3___|
|--17------17h18p(17\15)------15h17p(15\| 14)h 15--14h 15--(15/18)-17--(17\ 5)-|
|--(6/ 9)--9--9--9--8--(8\ 6)--|--17h |
|___3___| |___3___| |___3___|
| 18p 17h 18p 17--17h18p(17\15)----|--17------17h18p(17\15)------15h17p(15\|
| 14)h 15--14h 15--14--15--(14\ 5)--|--6------------|--(6)-----------------|
|----17----------(17\ 5)--|--6------------|--(6)--------(6\ 5)----5--|
|--(5/ 6)------6------8--|----6----5----6----5--|-/17----------------|
|___3___| |___3___| |___3___|
|--15h 17--(17/ 18)--(18\ 17)--(17\ 6)--|--6---------------|------------6------|
1/2 2 (Gradual)
\___/ |\_______
Riff 4: Guitars 1 and 2 (Play 10 times) [Tempo = 110 BPM]
|--------------------------|--------------------------| |
|--------------------------|--------------------------| |
|--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--|--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--| |
|--------------------------|--------------------------| |
At alternate intervals the 4th bar is doubled in length, making the overall riff
9 bars long, rather than 8.
Hold the following chord after playing the riff 10 times:
Lead Riff 2.1: Guitar 3 (Play 10 times)
*Additional bar*
|--------------------|--------------| |--------------| |
|--------------------|--------------| |--------------| |
|--------------------|--------------| |--------------| |
|--------------------|--------------| |--------------| |
Play the first 8 bars, and then play them again with the additional bar, and
repeat this pattern each time the part is played.
Lead Riff 2.2: Guitar 4 with heavy distortion (Play 9 times)
|--------------------------|------------------------| |
|--------------------------|------------------------| |
|--------------------------|------------------------| |
|--------------------------|------------------------| |
*Additional bar*
|--------------------------| |
|--------------------------| |
|--------------------------| |
|--------------------------| |
This part enters on the second repeat of riff 4. Play the first 8 bars, then
play them again with the additional bar added to the end to make 9 bars, and
alternate between these patterns until the song ends.
Lead Riff 2.3: Guitar 5 with heavy distortion (Play 8 times)
*Enter on the second repeat of riff 4*
||--5------------|--(5)--------5h 6------|--5--------3--------|
|------------------| |
|------------------| |
|------------------| |
|------------------| |
Tab summary: Intro 1.1 X 1
Intro 1.2a + Intro 1.2b X 1
Riff 1 X 2
Riff 2 X 3
Riff 1 X 2 (With Variations)
Riff 3 + Lead Riff 1 X 1
Riff 4 X 10 + Lead Riff 2.1 X 10, 2.2 X 9, 2.3 X 8
Corrections (15/12/07):
* Minor adjustments to text
Corrections (26/01/06):
| |