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Rytmus: Rytmus sarkasticky odpovedal Ondríkovi: Vysmial ho za podmienku zápasiť bez rukavíc. Prišiel s vlastným návrhom - Slovenský raper navrhuje zaujímavý priebeh zápasu. Rád by to ešte trochu okorenil, ... - Refresher.sk |
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Rytmus: Extrémně drahá a velkolepá show: Rytmus se na svůj vysněný koncert těší i s Darou Rolins. Chystají i nesmrtelný hit - Král slovenského rapu Patrik Vrbovský alias Rytmus se chystá na největší koncert s... - super.cz |
Rytmus: Prečo chcel Rytmus vymazať skladbu AKM? V novom videu prezradil pozadie tracku - ... - Hashtag.sk |
Elán: Na co se těšit v září: Dorazí Aurora, girl in red i Russ, Elán zavzpomíná na Vaša Patejdla a Rytmus bude kralovat O2 areně - O2 arena bude tento měsíc patřit slovenským interpretům. Nejdříve v ní na svůj t... - IREPORT |
Rytmus: Rytmusov životný koncert v Prahe: Vezme na pódium aj syna?! Reakcia hovorà za vÅ¡etko! - BRATISLAVA - Už onedlho chystá legenda Äeskoslovenskej hip hopovej scény Patr... - bleskovky.sk |
Rytmus: ROZHOVOR | Rytmus: V dětství mi říkali, že nic nedokážu. Jsem synonymem trnité cesty - Rytmus usedne už 14. září na svůj trůn v pražské O2 areně. Koncert bude oslavou ... - IREPORT |
Rytmus: Rytmus opísal detaily výbuchu auta: „Mal som len pár sekúnd, v tme sa z podvozku odrážali plamene“ - Značke už neverí, manželke kúpil miesto Defenderu Mercedes. ... - Refresher.sk |
Rytmus: Rytmus o vlásek unikl smrti! Raper sdílel děsivé video svého hořícího auta. Málem v něm seděla Jasmina s jejich synem - To, co zažil slovenský raper Rytmus, by nechtěl zažít nikdo z nás. Slavný umělec... - super.cz |
Rytmus - Verejný nepriateľ Rytmus - Verejný nepriateľ |
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Kvalita : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | *** Autor textu: murinka *** Autor hudby: Rytmus | You killed it
I don’t have to introduce myself, everybody knows I’m boss
Some people love me some people had enough of me
They like me when I tell them the truth to the mouth
They don’t like people who have guts to do that
Why do you all acting so conservative?
Most of you are still bad and primitive
Alcohol, drugs, coke
Racism, hate, falsity, where this world going to?
Typical characteristic of Slovakian people is talking about others
They have complexes of deficient from the success of others
You want to judge me, you probably don’t need a mirror
Because you forgot to look at yourself
Why are you so bad and deceitful?
Why when somebody is successful you are so jealous
You are judging others but you are even worse
Throw a stone at me that one who is not sinful
I’m a mirror I’m a reflection of this time
I’m your conscience I’m envoy of your madness
You betray the God you betray yourself
These are wounds to your heart which you needed
They don’t begrudge me because I have money
They have to ruin my dreams, they want to see me down
They are nervous when somebody is better than them
You are waiting for payment you feel shorter
Sheep need to shave
Skilful people have a world and others can just dream
If you are going to stop being jealous maybe it’s going to change
Your mirror of truth it’s going to be clear
All the eyes on me when I’m going somewhere
You have me in your mouth I know that
You can hardly breathe when you see me happy
That’s why you have regrets and you are going to be unhappy
Hypocrisy, self-righteousness, rubbing and other atrocity
Gold diggers (for women that want just a rich men), gamblers, this is how this city looks like
Pedophiles, gay people, abortions and strip clubs
I’m bad and you are good, you are damn forever
Why are you so bad and deceitful?
Why when somebody is successful you are so jealous
You are judging others but you are even worse
Throw a stone at me that one who is not sinful
I’m a mirror I’m a reflection of this time
I’m your conscience I’m envoy of your madness
You betray the God you betray yourself
These are wounds to your heart which you needed
Why are you so bad and deceitful?
Why when somebody is successful you are so jealous
You are judging others but you are even worse
Throw a stone at me that one who is not sinful
I’m a mirror I’m a reflection of this time
I’m your conscience I’m envoy of your madness
You betray the God you betray yourself
These are wounds to your heart which you needed
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