The Kelly Family: Zemřela Barby z Kelly Family - Ve věku 45 let zemřela ve čtvrtek 15. dubna Barby Kelly. Smutnou zprávu oznámila sku... -
CI GwaCs Ga little baby nesteld in my mothers womb
CJuGst when I needed someone
CShGe Cgave me my chance to live
GYoCu GtoCo were a little baby
GNeCstGled in your mothers womb
CJuGst when you were needing someone
CShGe Cgave you your chance to live
GYeCs GtoC life yes to our bads too
GWeClcGomCe Geach mother and her child
CTrGust in the sun day earth and rain
CToG fCeed this weak hungry mouth
CI GwaCs Gborn for something grand I know that deeply in my heart
CThGatC tGhrCill I feed inside is why I sing my song of joy
CYoGu CtoGo were born for something grand you know it in your heart
CThGatC tGhrCill you fell inside immense from you a song of joy