Adam Sandler - Grow Old With You 2 Adam Sandler - Grow Old With You 2 | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Chords used:
Verse #1
I wanna mAake you smile
BmiWhenever you're sad
C#miCarry you around
When your arthDritis is bad
A, EAll I wanna do is
Grow Dold with yA, Eou.
Verse #2
I'll get you mAedicine
BmiWhen your tummy aches
C#miBuild you a fire
When the fuDrnace breaks
A, EIt could be so nice
Growing Dold with yA, A7ou.
I'll mDiss you
I'll kiss you
AGive you my coat when you are cold
DNeed you
Feed you
E(hold)Even let you hold Ethe remDote control
Verse #3
ALet me do the dishes
BmiIn our kitchen sink
C#miPut you to bed
When you've had Dtoo much to drink
A, EI could be the man who
Grows oDld with yAou
I wEanna grow oDld with yAou
Here is another Version of that song and its
really easy 2 play and it really sounds good!
trust in me cuz i said so!
Chords used:
Verse #1
GI wanna make you smile
WhAmienever your sad
GCarry you around
When your arthritis is Cbad
GAll I wanna do Dis
Grow old with yGou
Verse #2
GI’ll get you medicinG*e
When your tuAmimmy aches
GBuild you a fire
When the furnace brCeaks
O,ItG could be so niDce
Growing old with yGou
I’ll mCadd9is you Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Cadd9Need you Feed you
I’ll G*let(HOLD) you hold the reG*mote cCadd9ontrole
Solo:G Am G C G D G(play like verse)
Verse #3
GLet me do the dishes
In ouAmir kitchen ink
GPut you to bed
When you’ve had too much to drinkC
O, I cGould be the maDn
Who grows old with yGou
I waCnna grow olDd with yoGu
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