Lewis Leona - I See You Lewis Leona - I See You | tlač |
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Kvalita akordov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: James Horner, Simon Franglen, Kuk Harrell *** Autor hudby: James Horner, Simon Franglen, Kuk Harrell |
Ami I G see D you
Ami I G see D you
Ami Walking through a Gdream I F see you
My Ami light in darkness Gbreathing hope of F new life
Now I C live through you and G you through me F enchanting
I Dmi pray in my Emi heart that this F dream G never ends
Ami I G see D me through Ami your eyes
AmiBreaGthing newD life, flyAmiing high
Your F#mi love shines the E way into Hmi paradise
So I F#mi offer my E life as a D sacrifice
I D live through your Ami love
You Ami teach me how to G see all that’s F beautiful
My Ami senses touch your G word I never F pictured
Now I C give my hope to G you I surF render
I Dmi pray in my Emi heart that this F world G never ends
Ami I G see D me through Ami your eyes
AmiBreaGthing newD life, flyAmiing high
Your F#mi love shines the E way into Hmi paradise
So I F#mi offer my C life
I Emioffer my B love, Dmi for you
Dmi When my heart was never B open
(and my spirit never free)
Dmi To the world that you have B shown me
GmiBut my eyes could not diD#vision
All the Cmi colours of Dmi love and of D# life ever F more
Hmi I A see E me through Hmi your eyes
HmiBreaAthing newE life, flyHmiing high
Your G#mi love shines the F# way into C#mi paradise
So I G#mi offer my F#life as a E sacriHmifice
And E live through your Hmi love
And Elive – through your
Hmi I A see E you
Hmi I A see E you
Hmi I A see E you
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