EverC#ybody needs insBpiration
EveryC#body needs a soEng
BeauC#tiful melBody, wheC#n the nights so lEong
CaC#use there is no guaraBntee
ThF#at this life is eC#asy (Yeah)
WF#hen my world is faC#lling apart,
when there is nBo light to breEak up the dark
That's when F#I (C#I) loBok at Eyou
When the waF#ves are flooC#ding the shore and I
caBn't find my way hoEme anymore
That's whenF# I (C#I) loBok atE you
When I look at you
C#I see forgiveBness, IC# see the trEuth
YC#ou love me for whoB I am lC#ike the stars
hoEld the moon
RC#ight there where they beBlong and I kF#now
I'm not alC#one (Yeah)
YF#ou apC#pear jBust like a dreC#am to me
JF#ust liC#ke a kaBleidoscopeC# colors that cF#over me
AC#ll I need every bBreath that I breaC#the
Don't you know you're beautiful (Yeah, Yeah)
When the waF#ves are flC#ooding the shore and I
caBn't find my way home anEymore
That's when F#I (C#I) lBook at yEou