1. Near C4susBethleChem did Emishepherds Ckeep
their Fflocks of Clamb and Gmifeething sheep
to C4suswhom God's Cangels Emidid appeCar
which Fput the Cshepherds Amiin Ggreat Cfear
arise and Cmi7go thou Gmiangels Cmisaid
Gmito CmiBethlehem be Gminot afraid
for C4susthere you'll Cfind this Emihappy Cmorn
a Fprincely Cbabe Amisweet GJesus Cborn.
2. There were three wise men from afar
directed by our glorious star
and on they wandered night and day
until they came to where Jesus lay
and when they came unto the stall
where our beloved Messiah was
they humbly laid at his feet
their gifts of gold and incense sweet.