Rok vzniku: 1982 Pesničku videlo 2697 návštevníkov.
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Transpozícia: [+1+2-1-2] *** Autor textu: Robert Smith *** Autor hudby: The Cure
EmiI chose an Deternity ofAmithisC Emilike fallingDangels
theAmiworld disappearedC Emilaughing into theDfire
Is itAmialways like this?C Emiflesh and blood and theDfirst kiss
theAmifirst colours
theCfirst kiss
We writhed under a red light
Voodoo smile
Siamese twins
a girl at the window looks at me for an hour
then everything falls apart
broken inside me
it falls apart
GThe walls and theAmiceiling move inEmitime
push aGblade into my hands
Amislowly up the stairs
andHmiinto the room
Is it always like this?
Emidancing in myCpocket
Emiworms eat myCskin
Emishe glows and grows
withCarms outstretched
herHmilegs around me...
In the morning I cried
EmiLeave me toDdie
you won'tAmiremember my voiceC I walked away and grew old
You never talk
we never smile
I scream
you're nothing
I don't need you any more
you're nothing
it fades and spins
fades and spins...
Gsing outAmiloud
We all die!!!Emi Glaughing into theAmifire...