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Marduk - Bonds Of Unholy Matrimony Marduk - Bonds Of Unholy Matrimony | Autor hudby: Marduk | Idols falls like autumn leafs swept away by ice cold rain
where are you now when the sinners who gave you power cry out in pain?
and when the world turns darker than you can understand
where is your supremacy then, you delegates of the holy land?
Bloody nights for all the sains who used to shine so bright
between this world and eternity there is not a single fight
grasping for straws you amongst your remnants desperatly digs
only to find our that the ground is always frozen for miserable pigs
who dares misery love
and hug the form of death
dance on destruction's dance
to him the mother comes
face the king of the burning ground
he who decides how the future begins
he who'll show them a world without you
and he, who rules the burning ground
represents the change that you fear
a world without your boundaries
a world without your control
he who lovest the burning ground
have made one of your hearts
and he, hunter of the burning ground
mayest dance his eternal dance
he who lovest the burning ground
now tears your souls apart
and he hunter of the burning ground
laughs when he dance on your graves
idols die like meadows green when frost unleash its cold
and when all love is gone now, what will the future hold?
the memories you leave behind - just splinters which in the wind blow
go abandon your hopes and die in pain - it's biblical you know
forget about the future you knew did not exist
your work is being pounded to dust by Satan's armoured fist
you pledged allegiance to your lord, your golden cross you kissed
in the valley of death, thy kingdom gone, it vanished in the mist
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