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Michael Jackson: Tvůrci filmu o Michaelu Jacksonovi řeší problém - Životopisný film o Michaelu Jacksonovi, který právě vzniká, může mít zpoždění... - rockandpop.cz |
Michael Jackson: Nevlastní dcera Michaela Jacksona tvrdí, že o obviněních proti němu nevěděla - Herečka a modelka Danielle Riley Keoughová (35) je nejen vnučkou Priscilly Presleyové... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson: Našly se nepublikované písně Michaela Jacksona - Americký sběratel pokladů, šestapadesátiletý bývalý policista Gregg Musgrove, si ... - rockandpop.cz |
FERNANDO: Byly objeveny dosud nezveřejněné nahrávky písní Michaela Jacksona. Svět je ale nejspíš neuslyší - V opuštěném skladišti v San Fernando Valley v Kalifornii byly nalezeny dříve nepu... - novinky.cz |
Michael Jackson: Paris Jacksonová se zasnoubila s hudebním producentem, rodina nemá radost - Dcera Michaela Jacksona (†50) Paris (26) oznámila na sociální síti, že se zasnoubi... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson: Dcera Michaela Jacksona se bude vdávat! Paris sdílela i dojemný snímek, na kterém ji partner žádá o ruku - Dcera Michaela Jacksona, modelka, herečka a zpěvačka Paris Jackson, je zasnoubená. J... - super.cz |
Grammy: Hudobný svet zasiahla smutná správa: Zomrel legendárny hudobnÃk a producent Quincy Jones (â 91)! - NEW YORK - Vo veku 91 rokov zomrel americký hudobnÃk, skladateľ a trumpetista Qu... - bleskovky.sk |
Grammy: Zemřel Quincy Jones, blízký spolupracovník Michaela Jacksona - Ve věku 91 let zemřel Quincy Jones, americký hudebník a blízký spolupracovník Mich... - IREPORT |
Michael Jackson: Zemřel hudebník (†91), který stál za největšími hity Michaela Jacksona (†50) - Ve věku 91 let zemřel americký hudebník, sklad... - blesk.cz |
Grammy: Zemřel hudebník Quincy Jones. Držiteli osmadvaceti cen Grammy bylo 91 let - Ve věku 91 let zemřel americký hudebník, skladatel a trumpetista Quincy Jones. O smrt... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson - You Rock My World Michael Jackson - You Rock My World | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Intro |Em|Em7 Am|Am Em7|Em7 Am|Am Em7|
OohEmi7, oh-ohAmi, Emi7 heyAmi he you.Emi7, Ami, Emi7, Ami
Hey he Emi7you.Ami, Emi7, Ami, Emi7
My life will Aminever be the same, Emi7girl you came and changed
the Amiway I walk, the way I talk, Emi7I cannot explain.
The Amithings I feel for you, Emi7girl you know it's true,
Amistay with me, fulfill my dreams, and Emi7I'll be all you need.
It Amifeels so right, girl,Emi7 such a perfect Amilove all my life.
Emi7Ooh, uh it Amifeels like I Emi7finally found a Amiperfect love this time.
Oh Emi7come on girl.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
This time, I knew that love would Amibring such Emi7happiness to me,
I Amitry to keep my sanity, I Emi7waited patiently.
AmiGirl you know, it seems my Emi7life is so complete,
Our Amilove is true because of you, Emi7doing what you do.
AmiThink that I Emi7finally found the perfect love,
I've Amisearched for all my life. (searched for all my life)
Emi7Ooh, Amithink I find Emi7such a perfect love that'sAmi so righEmi7t.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.Cmaj7
GirlAmi, D I Emi7know that this is love, I Cmaj7felt the magic Amiall Din the Emi7air. Fmaj7
Now and Cgirl,Am, DI'll Emi7never get enough,
that's Bwhy I always have to have you ChereEmi7!
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
Instrumental |Em|/|/|/|
You rock my world, You rock my world, you know you Amidid
The way you Emi7talk to me,
the way you Amiloving me, the way you Emi7give it to me.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did
To Emi7me yeah yeah Amiyou yeahEmi7, Ami
You rock my Emi7world,Ami you rock my worldEmi7
Come on girl
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
You rock my Amiworld, you know you did, and everyEmi7thing I'm gonna give.
There is Aminothing we can find the one like Emi7you to call mine.
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