You're Dmiolder than you've ever been.
And Gminow you're even older.
And Dminow you're even older.
And Anow you're even older.
You're Dmiolder than you've ever been.
And Gminow you're even older.
And Dminow you're Aolder Dmistill.
GmiTIME! Is marching Dmion.
And Gmitime.. is still marching Aon.
This Dmiday will soon be at an end
and Gminow it's even sooner.
And Dminow it's even sooner.
And Anow it's even sooner.
This Dmiday will soon be at an end
and Gminow it's even sooner.
And Dminow it's Asooner Dmistill.