Lightfoot Gordon - Sit Down Young Stranger Lightfoot Gordon - Sit Down Young Stranger | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
I'm stGandin' at the doorway, my hCead down in my hGands
Not knCowin' where to sGit, not knowin' where I stDand
My fGather looms above me, for hCim there is no rGest
My mCother's arms enfGold me and hold me to her brDeast
"They sGay you've been out wanderin', they sCay you've traveled fGar
Sit dCown, young strGanger and tell us who you Dare"
The rGoom has all gone misty, my thCoughts are all in spGin
"Sit dCown, young strGanger and tDell us where you bGeen"
"Well, I've been up to the mountain, I've wCalked down by the sGea
I nCever questioned nGo one and no one questioned mDe
My lGove was given freely and Coft-times was retGurned
I nCever came to bGorrow, I only came to lDearn
SometGimes it did get lonely, but it tCaught me how to crGy
And lCaughter came to eGasy for life to pass me bDy
I nGever had a dollar that I diCdn't earn with prGide
'Cause I hCad a million dGaydreams to keep me sDatisfied"
INTERLUDE: | G | G | C | G | C | G | D | G |
"And wAill you gather daydreams, or wDill you gather weAalth?
How cDan you find your fAortune if you cannot find yoEurself?"
My mAother's eyes grow misty, there's a trDemblin' in her hAand
"Sit dDown, young strAanger, I do not understEand
And wAill you try and tell us that you've bDeen too long at schoAol?
That knDowledge is not neAeded, that power does not rEule?
That wAar is not the answer, that yDoung men should not dAie?
Sit dDown young strAanger, I wait for your reEply"
"The Aanswer is not easy for sDouls are not rebAorn
To wDear the crown of peAace, you must wear the Crown of ThEorns
If JeAsus had a reason, I'm sDure he would not tAell
They treDated him so bAadly, how could he wish them wEell?"
The pAarlor now is empty, there's nDothin' left to sAay
My fDather has depAarted, my mother's gone to prEay
There's rAockets in the meadows and shDips out on the sAea
The Danswer's in the fAorest, carved upon a trEee:
"JDohn loves MAary,"...does aEnyone love mAe?
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