Pink Floyd

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Pink Floyd:
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Pink Floyd:
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Pink Floyd:
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David Gilmour:
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Pink Floyd:
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Pink Floyd

Fanúšikov: 7


Pink Floyd - Not Now John
Pink Floyd - Not Now John




Rok vzniku: 1983
Poznámka: Toto je tzv. \\\'obscured\\\' (zahalená) neboli \\\'polite\\\' (klidná) verze, ve které je slovo \\\'fuck\\\' nahrazené slovem \\\'stop\\\' - singl verze, a verze z EP videa. (Tady je to tak proto, že admin také nemá rád sloví?ko FUCK, i když v kontextu :

Pesničku videlo 3970 návštevníkov.

Kvalita akordov : bez hodnotenia
Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty
Transpozícia:   [+1 +2 -1 -2]   *** Autor textu: Roger Waters *** Autor hudby: Roger Waters
GStop all that we've Dgot to get on with Emithese (Stop all that, stop all that)
GGot to compete with the Dwily JapaEminese
GThere's too many home fires Dburning
And not enough Emitrees (Stop all that)
So Gstop all that
We've Dgo to get on with Emithese(Go to get on with these)

EmiCan't stop, lose job, mind gone
Silicon, what bomb, get away
Pay day, make hay, break down
Need fix, big six, clickity click
Hold on, oh no
Brrrrrrrrrring Gbingo! D, Emi(Bingo!)

C/EMake 'em laugh Emimake 'em cry
D/EMake 'em dance in the Emiaisles
C/EMake 'em pay Emimake 'em stay
D/EMake' em feel O.EmiK.

GNot nah John
We've Dgot to get on with the Emifilm show (Got a get all, got to get all)
GHollywood Dwaits at the end of the Emirainbow (Rainbow, the rainbow)
GWho cares what it's aDbout as long as the Emikids go (As long as the kids go)
So Gnot now John we’ve Dgot to get on with the Asus2show (Got a get all, got to get all)


GHang on John I've Dgot to get on with Emithis (Got to get all, got a get all)
I Gdon't know what it is
But it Dfits on here like Emi........
GCome at the end of the Dshift
We'll go and get Emipissed
But Gnow now John
I've Dgot to get on with Emithis (Got a get on with this¨, got a get all)

C/EHold on John
I think there's Emisomething good on
D/EI used to read books butEmi
C/EIt could be the news
Or some Emiother abuse
Or D/Eit could be reusable Emishows

GStop all that we've Dgot to get on with Emithese (Uh, uh, ah)
GGot to compete with the Dwily JapaEminese (Got a get all, got a get all)
GNo need to worry aDbout the VietnaEmimese (Uh, uh, ah)
GGot to bring the Russian Dbear to his Emiknees (Got a get all)
GWell, maybe not the Russian Dbear
Maybe the EmiSwedes (Uh, uh, ah)
GWe showed Argentina
Now Dlet's go and show Emithese (Got a get all, got a get all)
GMake us feel tough
And Dwouldn't Maggie be Emipleased (Uh, uh, ah)
GNah nah nah nah Dnah nah Eminah! (Got a get all, got a get all)

One, two, three, four (Not now John, please, got a get all)

GS'cusi Ddove il Emibar (Got a get all)
GSe para collo Dpou eine toe Emibar (Not now John, please, got a get all)
GS'il vous plait Dou est le Emibar (Got a get all, got a get all)
GOi' where's the Df**king bar JohnEmi! (Not now John, please, got a get all)

Oh! Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the day. (Got a get all, got a get all)
Down! (Not now John, please, got a get all)
Go, Maggie! (Got a get all, got a get all)
Hammer, hammer, hammer, hammer, now! (Not now John, please, got a get all)

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Wish You Were Here - akordy a text

Wish You Were Here Chords - akordy a text

Comfortably Numb - akordy a text

Time - preklad

Another Brick in the Wall, part 2 - akordy a text

Wish You Were Here Drum Version - taby

High Hopes - akordy a text

Wish You Were Here (česky) - akordy a text

Wish You Were Here - text

Lost For Words - akordy a text

Seamus - preklad

Fat Old Sun - preklad

Pigs On The Wing (Part One) - preklad

Hey You - akordy a text

The Wall - Comlete - akordy a text

Mother - akordy a text

Shine On You Crazy Diamond - preklad

High Hopes - taby

Breathe - akordy a text

Echoes - akordy a text


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