It's not what you thought = Nie je to čo si si myslel
When you first began it = Keď si to prvý krát začal
You got what you want = Dostal si čo chceš
Now you can hardly stand it though = Teraz ledva stojíč aj keď
By now you know it's not = odteraz vieš že to
Going to stop = neprestane
It's not going to stop = Neprestane to
It's not going to stop = Neprestane to
'Til you wise up = Kým nezmúdrieš
You're sure there's a cure = Si si istý že je liek
And you have finally found it = A konečne si ho našiel
You think one drink = Myslíš že jeden drink
will shrink you 'til = ťa zrazí kým
you're underground and living down = si pod zemou a prekonávaš to
But it's not going to stop = Ale ono to neprestane
It's not going to stop = Neprestane to
It's not going to stop = Neprestane to
'Til you wise up = Kým nezmúdrieš
Prepare a list of what you need = Priprav si zoznam toho čo potrebuješ
Before you sign away the deed = Kým podpíšeš zmluvu
'Couse it's not going to stop = Lebo ono to neprestane
It's not going to stop = Neprestane to
It's not going to stop = Neprestane to
'Til you wise up = Kým nezmúdrieš
No it's not going to stop = Nie neprestane to
'Til you wise up = Kým nezmúdrieš
Now it's not going to stop = Teraz to neprestane
So just give up = Tak sa jednoducho vzdaj