Belinda was mine 'til the time that I found her
Holding Jim, loving him
Then Sue came along, loved me strong, that's what I thought
Me and Sue, but that died too
= Belinda bola moja, kým som ju nepristihol
= s Jimom, v posteli
= Po nej prišla Sue, strašne ma milovala, to som si myslel
= Ja a Sue, aj to je fuč
Don't know that I will but until I can find me
The girl who'll stay and won't play games behind me
I'll be what I am, a solitary man
Solitary man
= Neviem či, ale kým si nenájdem
= Dievča, čo zostane a nebude hrať nefér
= Budem tým čím som, osamelý muž
= Osamelý muž
I've had it to here bein' where love's a small word
Part-time thing, paper ring
I know it's been done havin' one girl who'll love me
Right or wrong, weak or strong
= Uvedomujem si, že som žil tam, kde láska neznamená veľa
= Dočasnú záležitosť, prstienok z papiera
= Mne je však súdené jediné dievča, čo ma bude ľúbiť
= Slabého či silného, v dobrom aj zlom |