Pearl Jam
Pearl Jam - Given To Fly Pearl Jam - Given To Fly | | Given To Fly = Dané lietať
He could've tuned in, tuned in = Mohol sa naladiť, naladiť
But he tuned out = Ale vyladil
A bad time, nothing could save him = Zlý čas, nič ho nemohlo zachrániť
Alone in a corridor, waiting, locked out = sám v chodbe, čakajúc, zamknutý
He got up outta there, ran for hundreds of miles = Vstal odtiaľ, bežal stovky míl
He made it to the ocean, had a smoke in a tree = Dostal sa k oceánu, fajčil na strome
The wind rose up, set him down on his knee = Zdvihol sa vietor, zložil ho na kolená
A wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw = Prichádzajúca vlna sa rozbila ako rana do brady
Delivered him wings,"Hey, look at me now" = Priniesla mu krídla, "Hey teraz sa na mňa pozri"
Arms wide open with the sea as his floor = Ramená doširoka otvorené s morom ako podlahou
Oh, power, oh = Oh, sila, oh
He's.. flying = On.. lieta
Whole = Celý
High.. wide, oh = Vysoko.. široko, oh
He floated back down 'cause he wanted to share = Zletel dolu lebo sa chcel podeliť
His key to the locks on the chains he saw everywhere=o svoj kľúč k zámkam ktoré všade videl
But first he was stripped and then he was stabbed =A le prvé čo videl bolo obnažené a potom ho prebodol
By faceless men, well, fu*kers = mužom bez tváre, no hajzli
He still stands = On stále stojí
And he still gives his love, he just gives it away =A stále rozdáva svoju lásku,jednoducho ju daruje
The love he receives is the love that is saved = Láska ktorú dostáva je láska ktorá je zachránená
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky = A niekedy vidíš čudnú bodku na obolhe
A human being that was given to fly = Ľudská bytosť ktorej bolo dané lietať
High.. flying = Vysoko.. lieta
Oh, oh
High.. flying = Vysoko.. lieta
Oh, oh
He's flying = On lieta
Oh, oh |
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