Got on Am7board a west bound Dseven fourty Gseven.
Didn't Am7think before decidDing what to Gdo.
GAll that Am7talk of opportuDnities. GT.V. break and movies.
Rang Am7true. D Sure rang GtrueC.
Seems it Am7never rains in SoutDhern CaliforGnia.
Seem I've ofAm7ten heard that kindD of talk beforeG.
It never Am7rains in CaliforDnia. But Ggirl, don't they warEmn ya.
It pourAm7s, D man it GpourCs.
Will you Am7tell the folks back Dhome. I nearlyG made it.
Had ofAm7fers but don't kDnow which one to Gtake.
GPlease don't Am7tell them how you founDd me
GDon't tell them how you found me. give me a Am7break.
Give me a Gbreak. C
Out of Am7work I'm out a' my Dhead.
Out of self reGspect, I'm out a' bread.
I'm underAm7loved, I'm underfeDd. I wanna go Ghome.
It never Am7rain in CaliforDnia.
But Ggirl, don't they warEmn ya.
It Am7pours, D man it Gpours. C