Human Nature - Breaking Me Down Human Nature - Breaking Me Down | | Oh, my love
Lately I'm feeling some cold come my way
And oh, my love
These days it seems you've got nothing to say
I, I don't know why
It hurts too deep, too deep to hide
Tell me why, baby, you're breaking me down
Tell me why, baby, you're loving around
Seems to me crazy
You're breaking me down, tell me why
Why you're breaking me down
Say, my love
Seems like you've always got some place to go
And so, my love
Save me from being the last one to know
I, I don't know why
It hurts too deep, too deep to hide
Tell me why, baby, you're breaking me down
Tell me why, baby, you're loving around
Seems to me crazy
You're breaking me down, tell me why
Why you're breaking me down
Oh now you're breaking me down
(Breaking me down)
Oh baby
Can we find, can we find where the love went before?
(And maybe we can find our reason...)
Maybe we can find our reason why
(Tell me baby, why)
I don't know why
It hurts too deep, too deep to hide
Tell me why, baby, you're breaking me down
Tell me why, baby, you're loving around
Seems to me crazy
You're breaking me down, tell me why
Why, you're breaking me down
Why, why, why, tell me why
Why, why, tell me why
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