TA7here's a Dtear in my beer
'cause I'm cryin' for you,
dear you are on my lonely A7mind.
Into these last nine beersI have shed a million tears.
You are on my lonely DmindD7 I'm Ggonna keep on sittin' here
unDtil I'm petrified.
E7And then maybe these tA7ears
will leave my eyes.
There's a Dtear in my beer
'cause I'm crying' for you, dear
E7You are A7on my lonely DminFdimd.A7
LA7ast nDight I walked the floor
and the night before
You are on my lonely mA7ind.
It seems my life is throughand I'm so doggone blue
You are on my lonely mDind.D7 I'm Ggonna keep on sittin' here
till DI can't move a toe
aE7nd then maybe my hA7eart
won't hurt me so.
There's a tDear in my beer
'cause I'm cryin' for you, dear.
E7You are A7on my lonely mDind.