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Cure: PUBLICISTIKA: Písně našich srdcí: The Cure - Robert Smith a spol. se po šestnácti letech dokopali k nahrání a vydání nové desky... - |
Cure: The Cure jsou po dvaatřiceti letech zase první - Britská skupina The Cure dosáhla skvělého úspěchu. Po dlouhých dvaatřiceti letec... - |
Cure: RECENZE: Soundtrack k šedivé krajině za oknem s kapkami deště. The Cure na Songs Of A Lost World našli stroj času - Za šestnáct let se toho stane spousta - třeba se svět dokáže obrátit naruby a prop... - |
Cure: The Cure vydali rozšírenú verziu albumu Songs Of a Lost World - The Cure neprestávajú prekvapovať. Sedem dní po vydaní dlho očakávaného albumu So... - |
Cure: Nová alba: The Cure, Willie Nelson, Mirek Kemel, První hoře, Poly Noir a Jelen - Po dlouhých šestnácti letech vydala své nové album britská skupina The Cure. To je ... - |
Cure: Nové desky 44/2024 - od The Cure přes Tylera, The Creatora po Willieho Nelsona - Novým titulům tentokrát jednoznačně vévodí návrat The Cure po šestnácti letech,... - |
Cure: VIDEO: The Cure představili novou desku tříhodinovým koncertem. Pusťe si jej ze záznamu - The Cure konečně naplnili své dlouholeté sliby, pronášené převážně ústy front... - |
Cure: Reportáž: Jak jsem mohl tak zestárnout. The Cure naživo zahráli celou novou desku - Britská kapela The Cure vydala své první album od roku 2008 a celé ho naživo přehr... - |
Cure: The Cure vydali album Songs of a Lost World. Večer ho naživo predstavia na svojom YouTube - Deň, na ktorý fanúšikovia formácie The Cure tak dlho čakali, je konečne tu. Anglic... - |
Cure: Robert Smith z The Cure jde ostře proti drahým vstupenkám - Je známo, že ceny vstupenek na koncerty jsou stále vyšší. Trend souvisí s potřeb... - |
Cure - Doing The Unstuck Cure - Doing The Unstuck |
Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Fisit'smi a perfect day for lEetting go
for Dsetting fire tAo bridges
and other dreary worlds you know
let's get happy!
it's a perfect day for making out
to wake up with a smile without a doubt
to burst grin giggle bliss skip jump and sing and shout
let's get happy!
Gbut it's much to lateFismi you say
Hmifor doing this now
weD should have done it then
well it just goes to show
Hmihow wrong you can be
Aand how you really should know
Dthat it's never too late
to get up and go
it's a perfect day for kiss and swell
for rip-zipping button-popping kiss and well...
there's loads of other stuff can make you yell
let's get happy!
it's a perfect day for doing the unstuck
for dancing like you can't hear the beat
and you don't give a further thought
to things like feet
let's get happy!
but it's much too late you say
for doing this now
we should have done it then
well it just goes to show
how wrong you can be
and how you really should know
that it's never too late
to get up and go
kick out the gloom
Ekick out the blues
tear out theHmi pages with all the bad neDws
Fismipull down the mirrors and puEll down the walls
tear up theHmi stairs and tear up the Dfloors
oh just burn down the house!
burn down the street!
turn everything red and the beat is complete
with the sound of your world
going up in fire
it's a perfect day to throw back your head
and kiss it all goodbyeA
it's a perfect day for getting old
forgetting all your worries
and everything that makes you cry
let's get happy!
it's a perfect day for dreams come true
for thinking big
and doing anything you want to do
let's get happy!
but it's much too late you say
for doing this now
we should have done it then
well it just goes to show
how wrong you can be
and how you really should know
that it's never too late
to get up and go
kick out the gloom
kick out the blues
tear out the pages with all the bad news
pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls
tear up the stairs and tear up the floors
oh just burn down the house!
burn down the street!
turn everything red and the dream is complete
with the sound of your world
going up in fire
it's a perfect day to throw back your head
and kiss it all goodbye
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