Pearl Jam
Pearl Jam - Push Me, Pull Me Pearl Jam - Push Me, Pull Me |
| Push Me, Pull Me = Stlač ma, potiahni ma
I had a false belief = Mám falošnú vieru
I thought I came here to stay = Myslel som že som sem prišiel aby som ostal
We're all just visiting = My všetci sme len na návšteve
All just breaking like waves = Všetci sa lámeme ako vlny
The oceans made me, but who came up with love? = Oceán ma stvoril, ale kto prišiel s láskou
Push me, pull me, push me, or pull me out = Stlač ma, potiahni ma, stlač ma, alebo ma vytiahni
Push me, pull me, or pull me out = stlač ma, potiahni ma, alebo ma vytiahni
So if there were no angels, would there be no sin? = Takže ak nebudú anjeli, nebude ani hriech?
You better stop me before I begin = Radšej ma zastav kým začnem
But let me say: if I behave,= Ale nechaj ma povedať: ak budem dobrý,
can you arrange a spacious hole = mohol by si zariadiť priestrannú dieru
in the ground = v zemi
Somewhere nice, make it nice = Niekde kde je pekne, urob to pekné
Where the land meets high tide = Kde zem stretáva more
Push me, pull me, or pull me out = stlač ma, potiahni ma, alebo ma vytiahni
Push me, pull me = stlač ma, potiahni ma
Like a cloud dropping rain = Ako oblak pršiaci dážď
I'm discarding all thought = Odkladám všetky myšlienky
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground = Schnem, nechávam na zemi kaluže
I'm like an opening band for the sun = Som ako úvodná kapela pre slnko
Push me, pull me = Tlač ma, potiahni ma
I've had enough, said enough, felt enough, I'm fine, still in it = Mal som dosť, povedal som dosť, cítil dosť, som v pohode, stále v tom |
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