Lifehouse - Hanging By A Moment Lifehouse - Hanging By A Moment | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Lifehouse *** Autor hudby: Lifehouse |
DespeDsus2rate for changing Starving for truth
I'm D closer to where I started Chasing after you
I'm Dsus2 falling even more Asus2/A in love Dwith you
I'm lettingG go of all I've held on D to
I'm D stDsus4andinDg heDsus2re until Ayou make Dme move
I'm haDnging by a momeGnt here with youD
ForDsus2getting all I'm lacking CoDmpletly incompDsus2lete
I'llD take your invitationDsus2 You take all of meD
I'mDsus2 living for the onlyAsus2/A thing I D know
I'm runningG and quit sure wheDre to go
AndD I doDsus4n't DknowDsus2 what I'mA diving Dinto you
Just haDngiGng by a moment here with Dyou
There's nothing else to loseD
There's nothing else to findA, D
There's nothing in the world G
That could change my mindA, D
There is nothing DelGseA, D
There is nothing elseD
DespeDsus2rate for changing...
Chorus +
Just DhangiGng by a moment Dhere with you
JuDst hangiGng by a moment Dhere with you
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