It's the kGinda night that's so cold that your spitC freezes beGfore it hits the ground.
GAnd when a bum asks for a quarter, you give a dollar,C C'cuz if he's out tonight, he musDt be truly down.
And I'm sCearchin' all the windows for a last minute present
to prove to you that whAmat I said was real...
For Dsomething small and frail and plastic, babyC `Cause cheap is how I feGel.
GHalf a moon in the sky tonight- not eCnough
to Gcome up with an answer
to the question why is it that every time I see youC my love gGrows a little stronger.
But your mCemory leaves my stomach turning,
feeling like a liar abDout to be revealed...
But I Amhoard all this to myself,
`Cause cheap is how I feGel.
GIt's not the smell in here that really gets to me, it's the lightsC How I hate the sGhadows that they cast.
GAnd the sound of clinking bottles is the one suCre thing
I'll always drag with me Dfrom my past.
I think I'll fCind a pair of eyes tonight to fall into
and Ammaybe strike a deal:
Your Dbody for my soul, faCce swap,
`Cause cheap is how I feGel.