Hilary Duff - Love Just Is- Hilary Duff - Love Just Is- | | Love just is – láska je len
When the night will falls – keď noc končí
And the sun will rise – a vychádza slnko
Just see the best as you close your eyes –najlepšie je vidieť len zo zavretými očami
When you reach the top as you bottom out – keď sa dotkneš vrcholu ako by si bol naspodu
But you'll understand what it's all about – ale budeš rozumieť o čom to všetko je
Nothing's ever what it seems – nič nie je také aké sa zdá
In your life or in your dreams – v živote alebo aj vo sne
It don't make sense what can you do? – to nedáva zmysel čo môžeš robiť?
So I won't try making sense of you – tak nebudem skúšať aby to zmysel malo
Love just is...whatever it may be - láska je len...čokolvek kto môže byť
Love just is...in you and me – láska je len... v teba a vo mne
Nothing less and nothing more – nič menej a nič viac
I don't know what I love you for... – neviem prečo ťa milujem...
Love just is –láska je len
When you asked to stay, and meant disappear – keď povieš aby som ostala, a chcela som zmiznúť
It seems you're gone, but you're really here – zdá sa že si preč, ale ty skutočne tu
When every move seems out of place –keď každý pohyb sa zdá nevhodný
But every kiss is filled with grace – ale každý bozk je naplnený milosťou
Something's never change – niečo sa nikdy nezmení
In your heart or in your mind – v tvojom srdci alebo v tvojej mysli
It don't make sense what can you do – to nedáva zmysel čo môžeš robiť?
So I won't try making sense of you – tak nebudem skúšať aby to zmysel malo
Love just is whatever it may be
Love just is in you and me
Nothing less and nothing more
I don't know what I love you for
Love just is
Don't ever ask me for reason –nikdy sa ma nepýtaj na dvovod
I can get to you –môžem ti ho dať
Don't ever ask me for reason –nikdy sa ma nepýtaj na dôvod
Why I'm mad for you – prečo som do teba blázon
I trust you –verím ti
I trust you --verím ti
Nothing's ever what it seems
In your life or in your dreams
It don't make sense what can you do
So I won't try making sense of you
Love just is whatever it may be
Love just is in you and me
Nothing less and nothing more
I don't know what I love you for
Love just is, aha
Love just is
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