Barclay James Harvest - Death Of A City Barclay James Harvest - Death Of A City | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
I Dlook down the street but there's Cno one there
In the Gcold, in the dark, in the Dnight air
I Dcall out for life but my Cheart feels despair
There's no Csign of a light in the Dcold dismal night
The Dlights have all gone the Gclothes are all torn
The Gpeople are gone but the Dvictory's won
I Dcall out for life but it's Cafter the day
Now the Gpeople are gone just the Dcity alone
DEyes Dlook from the second Cfloor
CDown to the street beGlow
GCalm now the wind is Dslow C
DSee Dposters once on the Cwall
CNow washed away in the Grain
GPeeling from buildings Dtall C
I'll Dfollow you friends to where Clife never ends
Make our Gmistakes again as our Dlife lines descend
DTime is like dust and the Cdust is like snow
As it Gcovers the ruins of the Glife that you know
DTrees Donce green now turned to Cstone
CObjects that look like Gghosts
GAll of them overDgrown c
DMist Dall sight and mind is Cblurred
CLie on your back and Gcry
GWords uttered never Dheard C
I Dlook down the street but there's Cno one there
In the Gcold, in the dark, in the Dnight air
I Dcall out for life but my Cheart feels despair
There's no Csign of a light in the Dcold dismal night
The Dlights have all gone the Gclothes are all torn
The Gpeople are gone but the Dvictory's won
I Dcall out for life but it's Cafter the day
Now the Gpeople are gone just the Dcity alone
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