Hoobastank - Disappear (100% Presne) Hoobastank - Disappear (100% Presne) | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
D, F, C, F, C, D, Dsus
DThere's a pain that sleeps iFnside
CIt sleeps with just one Feye
CAnd awakens Dthe moment that Dsusyou're near
DThough I try to look Faway
CThe pain it still Fremains
COnly leaving Dwhen you're Dsusnext to me
DDo you know that Ceverytime you're Gnear
BbEverybody Gelse seems far Daway Dsus
DSo can you come and Cmake them Gdisappear
BbMake them Gdisappear and we can Dstay Dsus
DSo I stand and look Faround
CDistracted by the Fsounds
COf everyone and Deverything DsusI see
DAnd I search through every Fface
CWithout a single Ftrace Cof the person
DThe person that DsusI need
DDo you know that Ceverytime you're Gnear
BbEverybody Gelse seems far Daway
DSo can you come and Cmake them Gdisappear
BbMake them Gdisappear and we can Dstay Dsus
Bb5Can you make them C5disappear?
C5Make them G5disappear
(On the "Woahhhh, Woahhhh" part your gonna have to wing it on the timing, but I do have
notes here)
G5, F5, C5, Eb5, C5, G5
DThere's a pain that sleeps Fmaj7inside
CIt sleeps with just one Fmaj7eye
CAnd awakens the Dmoment that you're near
DAnd I search through every Fmaj7face
CWithout a single Fmaj7trace Cof the person
DThe person that I need
G5Do you know that F5everytime you're C5near
Eb5Everybody C5else seems far G5away
G5So can you F5come and make them C5disappear
Eb5Make them C5disappear and we can G5stay
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