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Gathering: THE THIRD AND THE MORTAL, kapela, která inspirovala vznik NIGHTWISH, se vrací - Po THE GATHERING se na pódia vrátí další pozoruhodná formace let devadesátých, kt... - spark |
Gathering: Původní sestava THE GATHERING se vrací na pódia s Anneke Van Giersbergen v čele - Holandští náladotvůrci se vrací do koncertních hal v původní sestavě s Anneke za... - spark |
Gathering: Pátý ročník brněnského Mersey Gatheringu láká na Micka Harveyho, Precedens či Oceán - Festivalová sezona se již pomalinku rozjíždí a jednou prvních akcí, která se usku... - musicserver.cz |
Devin Townsend Project: Jeden z najkrajších ženských rockových hlasov už onedlho v Bratislave! - Ak máte radi ženské vokály v rocku či metale, určite vám netreba predstavovať cha... - bleskovky.sk |
Gathering: Recenze: THE GATHERING - Nighttime Birds - metalopolis.net |
Gathering: The Gathering v Abatonu - ireport.cz |
Gathering: The Gathering oslávili 20 rokov existencie v Bratislave (reportáž) - hudba.sk |
Gathering: The Gathering, Abaton, Praha, 28.1.2010 - musicserver.cz |
Gathering: The Gathering: netvoříme příběhy - ireport.cz |
Gathering: The Gathering s novou speváčkou už túto sobotu v Bratislave (+videoklip) - hudba.sk |
Gathering - The Mirror Waters Gathering - The Mirror Waters | | "birth, age, death. The sudden realization of aging and attempts to hide from time.
Time is crucial yet essential. For ever or never, life lies between them."
Slowly... Flying silent
Touching the wind as it sadly sings... for me.
Aging on the outside
With my youth in my empty hands
Lost all that I was living for, live no longer
Couldn't resist looking in her eyes
I saw myself, tears were falling
The seas of her eyes reflected my old age
Youth grows old, like winter follows spring
Faster... Falling kingdom
Dancers on winter winds,
they dance... for me
Nature's ways
Life can't always be controlled
Controlled by fear
Scared of months and years, fear no longer
Time leaves its mark
The years come but never go
Masked is my face
The mask of age will fall, hide no longer
Couldn't resist looking in her eyes
I saw myself, tears were falling
The seas of her eyes reflected my old age
Youth grows old, like winter follows spring |
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