DGive a little bitA, D give a little bit of yGour loAve to me G
DGive a little bitA, I'Dll give a little bit of Gmy lAove to you G
HmiThere's so much that we Emi7need to E7share
GSend a smile and sHmihow you cAare D
DI'll give a little bitA, DI'll give a little bit of Gmy lAife for
you G, A
DSo give a little bitA, Dgive a little bit of yGour tAime to me G
HmiSee the man with the lEmi7onely eE7yes
GTake his hand, you'll bHmie surpriseAd D
F#7, Bmi, F#7, Bmi, F#7, C, G
C, G
DGive a little biAt, Dgive a little bit of Gyour loAve to me G
DGive a little biAt, ID'll give a little bit of Gmy liAfe to you G
HmiNow's the time that we Emi7need to shE7are
CSo find yourGself, we're Con our Gway back Ahome D, A
.. goDing hoAme
.. doAn't you neDed to feel at hoAme
.. ohA yeahD, we gotta sing