Alphaville - Big in Japan Alphaville - Big in Japan | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Cthat I'd ever find a gDlimpse of summer's
heatwaves in yHour eyes
®:EmiYou did Cwhat you did to Dme, now it's Hhistory I sCee, here's my
Amicomeback on the Hroad again
EmiThings will Chappen while they Dcan, I will Hwait here for my Cman
tonight, it's Amieasy when you're Hbig in Japan
Aah when you're big in EmiJapan-tonCight... Big in JapDan-be-Htight...
Big in CJapan... ooh the Amieastern sea's so Hblue
Big in JaEmipan-alCright, Pay! -- Then DI'll sleep by your Hmiside,
things are Ceasy when you're Amibig in JapHan
Oh when you're big in EmiJapan C, D, B, C, Ami, B
EmiNeon on my naked Cskin, passing silhouettes of Dstrange illuminated
EmiShall I stay here at the Czoo or should I go and change my Dpoint of
view for other ugly scHenes
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