Cooke Sam - What a Wonderful World Cooke Sam - What a Wonderful World | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
GDon't know much about Emihistory, C don't know much biDology
GDon't know much about a Emiscience book, C don't know much about the
DFrench I took
GBut I do know that CI love you,G and I know that if you Clove me
What a Dwonderful world this could Gbe
GDon't know much about geEmiography, C don't know much trigonometry
GDon't know much about Emialgebra, C don't know what a slide rule is
GBut I do know one and Cone is two, G and if this one could Cbe with
What a Dwonderful world this could Gbe
®: Now D7I don't claim to Gbe an 'A' student, D7but I'm tryin' to
I think that Emimaybe by Cbeing an Emi'A' student Cbaby
DI could win your D7love for Dme
GDon't know much about the Emimiddle ages, C looked at the pictures and
Dturned the pages
GDon't know nothin' 'bout no Emirise and fall, C don't know nothin'
'bout Dnothin' at all
GBut I do know that CI love you,G and I know that if you Clove me
What a Dwonderful world this could Gbe
What a Cwonderful Dworld this could Gbe
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