SomeEmitimes GI Cfeel I've Amigot to Emi, Grun aCway I've Amigot to
Emi GGet awCay from the Amipain that you Emidrive into the Gheart of me
The Emilove Gwe sChare Amiseems to Emigo GnoCwhere Amiand I've
EmiLost Gmy Clight Amifor I Emitoss and turn I can't Gsleep at night
®:Emi Once I ran to you (I Gran) - Now I'll run from you
CThis tainted love you've given, I Amigive you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and Ami7that's not nearly all
EmiOh... GCAmitainted Emilove GCAmiTainted Emilove
EmiNow GI Cknow I've Amigot to Emi, Grun aCway I've Amigot to Emi GGet awCay Amiyou don't Emireally want any Gmore from me
To Emimake Gthings Cright you Amineed someEmione to Ghold you
AmiAnd you Emithink love Gis to Cpray Amibut I'm Emisorry I don't
Gpray that way
Don't Emitouch Gme Cplease I Amicannot Emistand the Gway you Ctease
Ami I Emilove you though you Ghurt me Amiso, now I'm Emigoing to pack my
Gthings and go
EmiTainGted CloveAmiohoh, EmitainGted CloveAmi (x2)
EmiTouch Gme Cbaby, EmitainGted CloveAmi (x2)