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Anastacia: Kam vyrazit v březnu? V Praze zahrají Lenny Kravitz a Anastacia, JazzFestBrno přiveze Diannu Reeves a Kamasiho Washingtona - Kam vyrazit v březnu za hudbou? Tak třeba do O2 areny, kam dorazí Lenny Kravitz, nebo ... - IREPORT | 

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Anastacia: Anastacia přijede v březnu 2025 do O2 universa, oslaví v něm 25 let od debutu Not That Kind - Popová hvězda Anastacia vystoupí 28. března 2025 v pražském O2 universu u přílež... - musicserver.cz | 

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Anastacia: OBRAZEM: Po několika odkladech se Praha dočkala koncertu Anastacie - Zpěvačka Anastacia měla v O2 universu v rámci I’m Outta Lockdown Tour původně vys... - idnes.cz | 

Anastacia: NAžIVO: Anastacia je zpěvačka ze staré školy, Prahu si podmanila okamžitě - Ale že jsme se na ni načekali! Po nekonečných odkladech způsobených nejprve pandemi... - musicserver.cz | 

Anastacia - Not That Kind II Anastacia - Not That Kind II | | Anastacia – Not That Kind
All the time that we spend together
I won´t fuss, I won´t fight
Tryin´ to make you miiine
…you know I´m not that kind
Ha, whoah,
Ah c´mon
I said I´ll love you ´till the 12th of never
But I won´t run far ahead
Leaving you behind
…you know I´m not that kind
A.: ´Cause I´m not that kind of girl
Sb.: (Not that kind) (Not that kind of girl)
A.: And it´s not my kind of world
Sb.: (Not that kind) (Not that kind of girl)
A.: No it´s not for me (Sb.: Not that kind)
A.: Not where I wanna be (Sb.: No, oh)
(Not that kind of girl)
(Sb.: hmm) Help me out
Tell me what you´re thinkin´ (Sb.: hmm)
If I rush, slow me down
You can take your time (Sb.: hmm)
…you know I´m not that kind
Sb.: Hmm, Not that kind
A.: Yeah
Sb.: No, I´m not that kind of girl
A.: Whoah
(hmm) If you leave
I believe life will go on (hmm)
The Wind will blow, water flow
And the sun will shine (yeah, it will)
You know I´m not that kind (hmm)
Yeah, yeyeeieah
Refrén 2:
´Cause I´m not that kind of girl
(Not that kind) (Not that kind of girl)
And it´s not my kind of world
(Not that kind) (Not that kind of girl)
No it´s not for mee (Not that kind)
So will be set you free (No, oh)
Now what I say to you
I would say to no other
I´ve got my friends
I won´t look for another in you, yeyi
So what you gonna do?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
´Cause if you swing with…me
You soon will discover
I give you tendrness
Unlike any other can do, oah
And what I say is true
Refrén 3:
´Cause I´m not that kind of girl
(Not that kind) (Not that kind of girl)
And it´s not my kind of world
(Not that kind) (Not that kind of girl)
No it´s...not for mee, not for mee (Not that kind)
I said...not where I wanna be
I said not where I wanna be, yeah
It´s not my kinda thing
It´s not the way, way wanna swing
It´s not for you, it´s not for me
I said my baby
I´m not that kind
I´m not that kind, yeah,
No, not that kind
Not that kind of girl
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