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Sting: Sting musel odložit několik koncertů - Britský zpěvák a hudebník Sting byl nucen v tomto týdnu odložit kvůli nemoci něk... - |
Linkin Park: Na letních festivalech v ČR opět vystoupí zahraniční hvězdy - Praha - Na velkých festivalech populární hudby v ČR letos opět vystoupí zahrani... - |
Chainsmokers: Sting, Shaggy, Snow Patrol aj Sofi Tukker. Colours of Ostrava ohlasuje ďalšie mená - Festival Colours of Ostrava oznamuje ďalšie mená pre nadchádzajúci ročník, ktoré ... - |
Colours Of Ostrava: Sting přijede na Colours of Ostrava - Britský hudebník, zpěvák a skladatel Sting se vrátí do Česka. Konkrétně Sting 3... - |
Chainsmokers: Colours of Ostrava doplňují line-up o Stinga, Shaggyho a další hvězdy - Festival Colours of Ostrava hlásí další jména svého chystaného ročníku, která d... - |
Colours Of Ostrava: Na Colours of Ostrava přijedou Sting, Shaggy, Snow Patrol i Sofi Tukker - Hudební festival Colours of Ostrava hlásí další velká jména, která na akci vystou... - |
Seal: NAžIVO: Seal strhl publikum v pardubické enteria areně na svou stranu - Seal už, podobně jako třeba Sting, umisťuje svá představení také do menších mě... - |
Sting: Sting - 4. 6. 2024, Plzeň, Amfiteátr Lochotín - Sting přijel do Plzně jen ve tříčlenné sestavě. I tak si ale Lochotín podmanil. F... - spark |
Sting: NAžIVO: Sting si po Brnu, Pardubicích a Praze podmanil i Plzeň - Čeští fanoušci Stinga museli zkousnout poměrně dost odkladů, než se k nám s turn... - |
Police: LIVE: Sting v Plzni překvapil, polovinu koncertu věnoval The Police - Koncerty Stinga bývají vždy velkým tahákem pro pořadatele i pro fanoušky. Jde o je... - IREPORT |
Sting - We Work The Black Seam Sting - We Work The Black Seam | | This place has changed for good
Your economic theory said it would
It's hard for us to understand
We can't give up our jobs the way we should
Our blood has stained the coal
We tunneled deep inside the nation's soul
We matter more than pounds and pence
Your economic theory makes no sense
One day in a nuclear age
They may understand our rage
They build machines that they can't control
And bury the waste in a great big hole
Power was to become cheap and clean
Grimy faces were never seen
But deadly for twelve thousand years is carbon fourteen
We work the black seam together
The seam lies underground
Three million years of pressure packed it down
We walk through ancient forest lands
And light a thousand cities with our hands
Your dark satanic mills
Have made redundant all our mining skills
You can't exchange a six inch band
For all the poisoned streams in Cumberland
One day in a nuclear age
They may understand our rage
They build machines that they can't control
And bury the waste in a great big hole
Power was to become cheap and clean
Grimy faces were never seen
But deadly for twelve thousand years is carbon fourteen
We work the black seam together
Our conscious lives run deep
You cling onto your mountain while we sleep
This way of life is part of me
The is no price so only let me be
And should the children weep
The turning world will sing their souls to sleep
When you have sunk without a trace
The universe will suck me into place
One day in a nuclear age
They may understand our rage
They build machines that they can't control
And bury the waste in a great big hole
Power was to become cheap and clean
Grimy faces were never seen
But deadly for twelve thousand years is carbon fourteen
We work the black seam together
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