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Zach Bryan: Tržby jako HDP San Marina – koncertní rok 2024 byl rekordní - Magazín Pollstar vydal v závěru roku každoroční zprávu o stavu koncertního byznys... - spark |
Madonna: ZAPRášENOSTI: Madonna s Bedtime Stories překlenula období skandálů a pronikla do světa rnb - Šesté studiové album Madonny Bedtime Stories vyšlo přesně před třiceti lety - 25.... - |
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Christopher Gerard: Madonna přišla o mladšího bratra, podlehl rakovině - Zpěvačka Madonna přišla o svého mladšího bratra Christophera Gerarda Cicconeho. V ... - |
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Madonna: Madonna v slzách: Zemřel její mladší bratr Christopher (†64) - Popová královna Madonn... - |
Madonna: Nejkontroverznější videoklipy historie: Madonna - Like a Prayer - Videoklipem k písni Like A Prayer vyvolala Madonna v roce 1989 vlnu pobouření nejen ... - IREPORT |
Angels: Největší skandální koncerty všech dob: Které show vstoupily do dějin hudby? - V hudebním byznysu se děje mnoho skandálů. Některé z nich se natolik vryly do pamě... - |
Madonna: Madonna (65) zase v ráži: Ukázala prsa i milence! - Královna popu, ale také v... - |
Madonna: Odvážné fotky nestačily. Madonna ukázala kluka a zveřejnila snímky nahoře bez. Pálí mě oči, obleč se, ozývá se od lidí - Madonna na sociálních sítích čím dál více přitvrzuje. Zatímco před pár dny do... - |
Madonna - Iconic Madonna - Iconic | | [Intro - Mike Tyson:]
I'm the best the world has ever seen. (I'm the best ever!)
I'm somebody you'll never forget cause I work hard and sweat in my tears. (Can't be stopped!)
I'm never falling again and if I did, I'd come back
[Verse 1 - Madonna:]
If you try and fail, get up again
Destiny will choose you in the end
If you don't make the choice
And you don't use your voice
Someone else will speak for you instead
What you want is just within your reach
But you gotta practice what you preach
You pay with sweat and tears
And overcome your fears
Never let the fire inside you leave
[Chorus - Madonna:]
"I can't", "icon" - two letters apart
One step away from being lost in the dark
Just shine your light like a beautiful star
Show the world who you are, who you are
Yeah, there's another part of you no one sees
There's a burning fire that's underneath
Baby, don't you know you were meant to be
Born to be, meant to be
[Verse 3 - Madonna:]
Tell me I'm no good and I'll be great
Say I have to fight and I can't wait
Standing in the wings
A butterfly that stings
I will rise above cuz it's my fate
[Chorus - Madonna:]
"I can't", "icon" - two letters apart
One step away from being lost in the dark
Just shine your light like a beautiful star
Show the world who you are, who you are
Yeah, there's another part of you no one sees
There's a burning fire that's underneath
Baby, don't you know you were meant to be
Born to be, meant to be
[Bridge - Madonna:]
Born to be a superstar, that's exactly what you are
Born to be a superstar, that's exactly what you are
[Verse 4 - Chance The Rapper:]
Firefly change when they catch ya
Wanna put ya in their net for their light glow
Yellow brick highway
Paparazzi piled up on the high road
They just turned the sun into an idol
They just want to see how high the sky go
Just to find how it feel to fall back
Madonna said I remind her of Michael
Steady blowin' up my head
Blowin' up my head
Put it on your wall
Put me in the school book
Put me in your laws
Put me in the desk
And in the synagogues
Firefly glow when they catch ya
Wanna catch ya when ya lights go dim
Wanna turn you to a letter in their logo
Wanna stick you in a jar with a pen
You an icon
[Chorus - Madonna:]
"I can't", "icon" - two letters apart
One step away from being lost in the dark
Just shine your light like a beautiful star
Show the world who you are, who you are
Yeah, there's another part of you no one sees
There's a burning fire that's underneath
Baby, don't you know you were meant to be
Born to be, meant to be
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