AndDmi who are Cyou, the Dmiproud lord Csaid,
thatDmi I must bow so Clow?
FOnly a Ccat of a Fdifferent Ccoat,
that's Gmiall the truth I Amiknow.
In aDmi coat of gCold or a Dmicoat of Cred,
a lDmiion still has cClaws,
And Fmine are lCong and sFharp, my Clord,
as lGmiong and Amisharp as yDmiours.
And Dmiso he spoke, and Cso he spoke,
that Dmilord of CastaCmere,
But Bnow the rains weep Gmio'er his hall,
withB no one Amithere to Dmihear.
Yes Bnow the rains weep Gmio'er his hall,
and Bnot a Amisoul to Dmihear.