Black Eyed Peas - Karma Black Eyed Peas - Karma | | Yeah, yeah
Watch out = Dávaj pozor
Ain't no running from = nie je úteku
Karma, ain't no running = pred karmou neutečieš
Ain't no running from = nie je úteku
Karma, ain't no running = pred karmou neutečieš
I'm the caboose of the wrong doings you produce
= Som vagón zlých vecí ktoré produkuješ
The wild tail of the tornado running loose
= divoký chvost voľne bežiaceho tornáda
You tie the noose, I kick the chair
= ty uviažeš slučku, ja odkopnem stoličku
I'm the cyanide that snatch your life while you gasp for air
= som kyanid čo chňapne po tvojom živote kým lapáš vzduch
The echo of the "fuck you" that boomerangs to hurt your loved ones
= ozvena "po*eb sa" ktorá sa vracia by ublížila tvojim milovaným
The thief that took your son, held by ransom
= zlodej ktorý ti vzal syna, kvôli výkupnému
The pervert that raped your wife
= úchylák ktorý znásilnil tvoju ženu
The hand that held the knife that took your life
= ruka čo držala nôž ktorý ti vzal život
You shot Tupac and Biggie
= Zastrelil si Tupaca a Biggieho
Now I'm coming after you like v-w-x-y-z
= Teraz si po teba idem ako V-W-X-Y-Z
This is cause and effect, the domino effect
= Toto je príčina a následok, dominový efekt
The "what goes up, must come down" effect
= efekt toho "čo ide hore, musí zísť nadol"
You hoping, though, that you had a hand in doin' the doin'
= ty aj tak dúfaš že si sa podieľal na tvorení diania
The conclusion of the evil that you ended and start pursuing
= výsledok zla ktoré si ukončil a začal prenasledovať
Ain't no running from = nie je úteku
Karma, ain't no running = pred karmou neutečieš
Ain't no running from = nie je úteku
Karma, ain't no running = pred karmou neutečieš
This is the payback from the past
= toto je splátka z minulosti
You threw me down like I was just a piece of trash
= zahodil si ma akoby som bol iba odpad
You gave me cash every week just enough to live
= každý týždeň si mi dával presne toľko peňazí aby som prežil
But didn't get what I deserved instead I was deceived
= ale nedostal som čo som si zaslúžil a namiesto toho som bol podvedený
Still young and didn't know about this in the street
= stále mladý a nevedel som o tom na ulici
Of the acts, so crass and shady
= o činoch, tak hlúpych a pochybných
Don't crush your dream show and your whole entity
= nenič svoju snovú šou a celú svoju existenciu
Subliminally you're on the hire from a slavery
= podvedome si na prenájom z otroctva
Remember that what goes around, comes around
= pamätaj všetko čo urobíš sa ti raz vráti
God is watching you and everything that you do
= boh ťa sleduje aj všetko čo robíš
Do you remember everything that you did before
= pamätáš si všetko čo si predtým urobil
The way the bad action opens karmic door
= spôsob akým zlé kroky otvárajú karmické dvere
I'm a leave it up to God what he got for you
= nechám to na boha, čo má pre teba nachystané
I'm a leave it up to Him what he got for me
= nechám na neho, čo má nachystané pre mňa
And he's watching you
= a on ťa sleduje
Yeah, yeah
Watch out = dávaj pozor
Ain't no running from = nie je úteku
Karma, ain't no running = pred karmou neutečieš
Ain't no running from = nie je úteku
Karma, ain't no running = pred karmou neutečieš
Watch out = Dávaj pozor
Can't run away (no, no, no) = Nemôžeš utiecť (nie, nie, nie)
It's gonna get ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) = Dostane ťa to
Don't ignore it (no, no, no) = Neignoruj to (nie, nie, nie)
It's gonna get ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) = Dostane ťa to
You can't run away (no, no, no) = Nemôžeš utiecť (nie, nie, nie)
It's gonna get ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) = Dostane ťa to
Don't ignore it (no, no, no) = Neignoruj to (nie, nie, nie)
It's gonna get ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) = Dostane ťa to
Cause one way or another = Lebo tak či tak
It's gonna find ya = si ťa to nájde
It's gonna get ya-get ya-get ya-get ya = dostane ťa to
One way or another = tak či tak
It's gonna find ya = si ťa to nájde
It's gonna get ya-get ya-get ya-get ya = dostane ťa to
One way or another tak či tak
It's gonna find ya = si ťa to nájde
It's gonna get ya-get ya-get ya-get ya = dostane ťa to
One way or another = tak či tak
It's gonna find ya = si ťa to nájde
It's gonna get ya-get ya-get ya-get ya = dostane ťa to
Yeah, yeah, nigga
Ain't no running from = nie je úteku
Karma, ain't no running = pred karmou neutečieš
Ain't no running from = nie je úteku
Karma, ain't no running = pred karmou neutečieš
Yeah, yeah, good God = dobrý boh |
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